Predictions from 2018

Predictions from 2018

I want to remind you all of my prognostications from January 2018 that I made in my free monthly newsletter and on Coast to Coast last New Year’s Night January 1st 2018.
I don’t make dozens of predictions as some astrologers do. I make very few carefully analyzed forecasts and my record over the past 20 years has been quite accurate. Remember, these are last year’s prognostications, each aimed at a specific situation or event. If anyone is interested in my astrological work that led to these conclusions please let me know.
Because of some unforeseen issues this year’s predictions are delayed. I will send out my predictions for 2019 in a week or so.
1. North Korea has no desire for a war. They are only using nukes to blackmail America and the world to get food, oil and respect. There will NOT be a military event this year.
2. Bitcoins is a bubble that will collapse imminently. (Since I made that prediction Bitcoins lost more than 75% of its value and cost most investors, especially late comers, their entire stake.)
3. The Democrats will win the house, while the Senate will remain in Republican hands. This will increase the partisan chasm in Washington and set up a huge and derisive battle for 2019 – 2020, when I expect a major power struggle, even more so than usual.
4. The stock markets will see great volatility as we enter a bear market that will see ups and downs until mid-2019 when they will begin to severely crack. Then there will be a series of crashes from 2019-2021. We are heading towards a debt-fueled recession that will explode in the coming few years. Several situations will lead to this volatility, including weakness in China, Europe, emerging markets – Turkey, Venezuela, Brazil. – Tariff wars. – The tax cut that added to our tremendous debt. There will be an all-out crash is June 2019 – the first of several. Be careful with your investments.
5. The environmental issues will escalate at a dangerous level forcing the debate about climate change into overdrive.