Mars Squares Saturn

Mars Squares Saturn


Also on Monday January 21st at 6:16 A.M. EST this difficult and restrictive square will create limitations and some struggles. Many of us will feel restrictions and some pressure as our usually outlets are stifled. Mars rules the ego and Saturn is renowned for its ability to hamper movement and expression. The best way to handle the combination of these two planets is to focus on the most important issues and deal with them one at a time. This is not a day to try and juggle many things at once. You won’t have the physical or mental oomph to do so and you could wind up exhausted. Tiredness and irritability are common, so remember not only are you feeling it, but so is the guy on line behind you. Try not to poke the tiger, so to speak. If something is worth hassling over, then push through. But if it’s just your own sense of frustration seeping out you would probably be better off letting it go. Many things will be delayed and if you push against the stream you will not succeed. This follows the Leo Full Moon eclipse and could manifest as events that slow things down and force egos to take a back seat. Certainly a major storm will do that. This could also be a very bad day in the stock markets. This also does not bode well for the power struggles in Washington. It implies that there will be limitations and frustration, and the tug of war over the State of the Union Address certainly fits into this scenario. This would be a good day to stay home and deal with things that require some personal attention, such as completing errands, cleaning out a desk or closet, or just catching up on emails and other paperwork. It’s not a great day for activities that require a lot of energy.