The Sun Squares Uranus:

The Sun Squares Uranus:


Also on Friday January 18th at 8:30 P.M. EST this volatile transit occurs right after Mercury is conjunct Pluto. The combination of these two transits may result in the exposure of some things that will do well to be uncovered. But this square comes with a warning, so please pay heed. This could be a very explosive day with unexpected news. It comes on the heels of Jupiter square Neptune, a confusing and misdirecting energy, which is still very much in effect. Stay aware of your surroundings and don’t get distracted. That’s how accidents and unnecessary confrontations occur. Don’t take the bait if someone is trying to goad you. Pick and choose your battles carefully. Because this can be an accident-prone transit you should use caution especially when traveling. Drive defensively and if you’re feeling any anger or frustration be aware and take precautions. There is no reason to allow this to lead you into conflicts. This is the kind of energy under which you could stumble, drop something on your toe or walk into the path of someone enraged. So keep your eyes open. The stock markets could take a big hit today.