Full Moon Eclipse:

Full Moon Eclipse:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Monday January 21st at 12:16 A.M. EST at 0 degrees Leo 52 minutes, and it’s a lunar eclipse. Because this is an eclipse it requires our close attention. The power of eclipses is well known to astrologers, and they demand that we take responsibility for what’s going on in our lives, especially if this hits your chart. The events and circumstances that arise now will take some time to complete, so don’t be surprised if there is a lingering in some issues. Try to look at your current positions and situations in a broader context and don’t expect an immediate resolution. You may have to adjust your attitude over the coming weeks to ensure that you are seeing things clearly and in the proper perspective. This sign rules the 5th house of romance, and there could be some problems in a close relationship that come to the surface now. All Full Moons are the peak of energy for that lunar cycle. This one will bring up issues of personal creativity versus those things done in a group or collective project. Some things that you have been working on alone may require


Leo loves to be in the public and can be a very outgoing and expressive energy. Leo Full Moons love a good snowstorm, and we have seen some doozies on Full Moon in this most showy or signs. Remember, Leo rules the stage and there’s nothing as exciting as nature reminding us who is in charge. Because this falls at zero degrees, as well as being an eclipse I wouldn’t be surprised at a major weather event. Many people will act out on this aspect. There’s a strong desire to be on stage and if someone has something to say they will say it.

I doubt if it will end suddenly. It could last until the next New Moon, though I certainly hope not. I think this eclipse period is just adding to the ongoing power struggle and this Full Moon will push things even further. Mars is in square to Saturn on Monday as well, and that implies a restriction especially on Trump that will prove extremely frustrating and build up more tension. That, of course could this State of the Union address battle. Hoping for the best. Mitch.