Mercury conjuncts Saturn:

Mercury conjuncts Saturn:

We will experience two difficult transits on Sunday, so use some caution.
On Sunday January 13th at 8:31 A.M. EST we will all feel the restrictiveness of Saturn. This is a difficult aspect for communication and travel. There seem to be many things in your way and it’s hard to circumvent them. You can expect trouble in transportation. Subways may shut down, traffic jams and accidents are possible, misdirection and all sorts of problems could screw up your commute, so I suggest you leave extra time and take the easiest route. You may have some difficulties with your devices as well. Cell phones, computers, etc. can have issues and it may be hard to retrieve your data. Take things in stride. If you get angry you will only make things worse. If you can smile and say: “Oh hell; that’s Saturn, what do you expect?” you won’t suffer the secondary stress this can cause. But if you stamp your feet and shout you will only raise your blood pressure and push people away. Jupiter will square Neptune this afternoon, which will add a layer of confusion and misdirection. This may be a difficult day especially for personal relationships, but also for all business dealings. It will be hard to clarify things and there could easily be a sense of fog around many issues. So take your time and try to be as clear and direct as possible. This conjunct might make you feel like spending time alone. That would be better than getting into some useless altercation.