Jupiter Squares Neptune:

Jupiter Squares Neptune:


Also on Sunday January 13th at 2:01 P.M. EST this square will complete. This is a confusing transit that could have a number of effects. For one thing, these are two spiritual planets and they represent the ancient and modern rulers of Pisces. When they are in hard aspect such as now the questions of religion, philosophy and our inner battles will be prominent. This may have a positive or a negative reaction, probably both. Issues of faith and compassion will rise to the surface and we will find our society in a deeper struggle to come to some accord involving the rights of people, animals and the future. The struggle between these two planets can manifest in many ways, but mostly in the unconscious as the spirit and the body seeks a compatible direction. This energy will be around all year. This square will complete once again on June 16th and though it doesn’t become exact after that, it will be extremely close in September. This will create a fog around many things making it difficult to see clearly or act accordingly. This will be an underlying theme throughout 2019 and lead to a number of conflicts and choices that may not be to our best advantage. It will add to the ongoing problems in Washington and add even more confusion to our search for compromise.


This isn’t the most realistic of transits, and it can upset a number of areas in life, especially those that are Saturn-ruled, such as finances, housing, stability and those circumstances we count on to give us longevity and foundation. Because this falls on a Sunday we may see a very volatile day in the stock markets tomorrow most likely on the down side. The uncertainty that this creates is something the markets do not like and they should act on the energy. We also may see some rather unsettling results in our combative government, which would only add to the confusion in the equities.


In your own life you may not be looking at your choices and prospects with as clear an eye as you think. This is not a good time to make permanent decisions or to put all of your eggs in one basket. You aren’t seeing clearly, especially if this is setting off your natal chart. I would advise waiting this out and looking at things in a week or so once this energy has dissipated a bit. Just remember that it is around through most of 2019 and its underlying force can be active even if it isn’t exact and you don’t notice its effects. So be careful and hold onto your faith and compassion. That’s the best way to handle a conflict between Jupiter and Neptune.

I have both of these planets conjunct in Scorpio in my third house, with my Asc. node between them. The moon is in that house too, but in that house’s ruling sign of Libra. I’d never heard of a stellium until your books. The planets need to be in the same sign though, not house? Does that node count?

Never mind, I checked elsewhere and see it doesn’t count. I’ll try to refrain from personal inquiries. 🙂 Take care–looking forward to that next book! 🙂