Mercury Squares Mars

Mercury Squares Mars


On Tuesday January 8th at 5:05 A.M. EST this argumentative transit completes. For a few days leading up to this square you can expect people to be overly aggressive and not terribly reasonable. Some will be looking for a battle just to express this energy, especially if it sets off their natal chart. Many will be ego driven and counterproductive, so try not to give in to fruitless disputes. Caution is called for in personal relationships, communications of all sorts and travel. Distraction is very easy and this can certainly result in an accident or heated disagreement. The energy of this square will give many of us an added jolt to our mental work and communications, and if you can control it you may be able to get a lot of work done, but it will take a lot of concentration to do so. Don’t be too pushy or you will find others pushing back. Be assertive but not aggressive. If you can do that this will be a positive and productive few days.