Venus Enters Sagittarius

Venus Enters Sagittarius


On Monday January 7th at 6:19 A.M. EST until February 3rd at 5:30 P.M. EST Venus travels through this Jupiter ruled sign. The combination of these two benefic energies often results in an expansion in personal relationships and finances. While this doesn’t guarantee that you will make a fortune or find the love of your life it does imply that more energy will be aimed towards fulfilling those goals. At the very least many of us will be putting more effort into fulfilling those needs. There is a tendency to overindulge in all sorts of things when these two energies conjoin, so do try to keep things in perspective. This transit favors travel, education, the arts and anything that can expand our consciousness and sense of wonder. Venus is the planet of worldly pleasures, and Sagittarius has little regard for boundaries. Without some limitations it will be easy to overdo things, spend too much money, consume too many goodies or give our hearts freely without the usual concerns. This can be a wonderful period when excitement and adventure bring much into your life. Or it can be a time that you look back upon with confusion and disbelief once the credit card bills come in. Use this wisely and you can have a great time. Get out and see the world. Art, music, food and romance are in the air. Just don’t get trampled in the swell.