Uranus Goes Direct

Uranus Goes Direct


On Sunday January 6th at 3:26 P.M. EST this most erratic of planets begins its turnaround. This is a pivotal moment in our history. When Uranus is activated there are often radical and unexpected changes in our culture. As a planet reverses direction we often revisit events that occurred the last time it was in the position it is returning to. The stock markets are suffering badly, especially the tech stocks. As this planet goes direct it will cross over the degree it was at several months ago. It will then amplify the issues that were activated back then and either reset things if circumstances have changed, or clearly point the way towards what we can expect. This will become ever more obvious in Washington and on Wall Street as events escalate over the coming months. We have been stuck in a rut while Uranus was in retrograde, now it will begin to make up for lost time. There will be serious power struggles, violent events and an ever increasingly volatile equity market. Hang on to your hats!


In your personal lives this aspect will represent a time of some upsetting events and thoughts. If something isn’t working out, this may be when you finally accept the truth and begin to make the changes that will set you on a different path. Often that path is so radically different from the one you’ve been on that it can be distracting and feel unbalanced. Change isn’t something most people readily embrace. We are by nature a rather stubborn and unbending species, but there are times when it is so important to make adjustments that we will disturb the status quo solely for the purpose of moving in a new direction. It will be interesting to see how this new congress fits into the mold of American politics as it’s been defined for the past few decades. This is a young, diverse group of people with their own ideas and desires – just what Uranus likes.