New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn

New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn


The New Moon falls on Saturday January 5th at 8:28 P.M. EST at 15 degrees Capricorn 25 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. Yes, we are entering an eclipse season with all of the potential chaos that can imply. Things often do not go as expected under the influence of eclipses and the cycles they represent can take months to work through. The sign that the eclipses fall in show us the areas of life that are under scrutiny and require our close attention. In this case it is Capricorn and Leo.


A Capricorn New Moon is a time to buckle down and look over your life and projects to see which are working out and which aren’t. It has much to do with career and status and our focus should be on professional endeavors. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn was conjunct the Moon right before this New Moon and it’s obvious that we are in a period of serious attitude and severity both personally and in the collective. The energy of the eclipse will heighten this atmosphere. Be honest with yourself about what is and isn’t working out. It won’t do you any good to pretend that something is okay when it isn’t. If the underlying foundation of a relationship, work project or plan is faulty it will eventually dissolve and leave you standing on quicksand. If something can be fixed, this is the time to make the resolution to do so. With hard work and a stable approach you may be able to repair the damage, but only if the structure it stands on is solid. But you also must be willing to recognize those issues that are beyond repair and let them go. That isn’t an easy thing to do. Most people are prone to hold onto the past and at times ignore the warning signs. But Capricorn has little patience for avoiding what is obvious and it’s up to you to accept the truth and work with it. If you do, this will be a very productive period.

We will also see the effects in the collective.


A new congress has been sworn in and there will be changes in how our country moves forward. The split in power between the parties is bound to increase tensions, not lessen them, as each side hunkers down in preparation for the coming battles. While this probably won’t be pleasant it may prove to be very productive in the end. It’s only through compromise that things often get accomplished, and for the past 2 years there has been little, if any of that. Now they will have to find some middle ground in order to move things forward; and perhaps in doing so we can discover resolutions to ongoing problems that have stymied our growth. With Uranus about to go direct tomorrow there will certainly be some radical changes in attitude and approach that may dislodge the logjam that has blocked us for so long. One can only hope.


The events that take place in the coming days will begin to show resolution on the eclipses in July that take place with the New Moon in the sign of Cancer and Full Moon in Capricorn. You may have to have some patience this year if you wish to accomplish your best work. It may take 6 months to achieve a level of completion.