Mars enters Aries

Mars enters Aries


On Monday December 31st at 9:20 P.M. EST until February 14th at 5:51 A.M. EST Mars comes home to roost in the sign it rules. This will be about 6 weeks when many people will act more forceful and arrogantly than they have lately. While Mars was in Pisces it lost a bit of its bite. There were times when many of us didn’t feel quite as assertive or direct as we would have liked. Now with Mars in its own sign there will be more force behind our communications and actions. Do use a little caution. Just because a planet is in the sign it rules doesn’t mean that everything will go smoothly. In fact, often there will be an overabundance of the force implied by that planet and we can go overboard in our reactions. With Mars in Aries there will be times when some people will be more aggressive than they realize. It seems as though you wish to make up for lost time and express all of the tension, anger and angst that you’ve been pushing down lately. But that would be a mistake. It’s enough to be assertive without being aggressive, and if you can keep that in mind you will get much more done than if you are pushy and arrogant. You can be direct and move things forward without acting demanding and controlling. If you can do that, you have a better chance of succeeding. Remember this transit when you read the aspects that will follow. Each will have its own energy, but there will be an underlying agitation and desire for action that will influence whatever the other transits imply. For example, on January 2nd we will experience the Sun conjunct Saturn, often a difficult and repressive aspect. But with Mars traveling through Aries its need to express assertiveness will be repressed by that Saturn aspect, and pent up anger is very likely. If you’re feeling tense and can’t seem to find the transit creating it within your own chart, this may be the cause. With the Democrats taking over the House and the chaos in Washington reaching ludicrous proportions caused by this toxic president the desire for a knock down fight is clearly in the air. Be careful in your own life. And wish the best for our divided brethren in D.C.