Full Moon:

Full Moon:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Saturday December 22nd at 12:49 P.M. EST at 0 degree Cancer 49 minutes. This may be a very emotional few days as we will be seeing the Full Moon at zero degrees of Cancer, perhaps the most sensitive and passionate of signs. Anything that occurs in the first few degrees of a sign is most powerful for the energy of that sign. So expect people to emote a great deal around this aspect. Since this falls on the winter solstice at the Aries Point it has a great deal of significance not only in our personal lives but in world events. We are seeing the effects in the policies and escalation of conflicts that are further infecting our government and international relationships. When zero degrees of cardinal is activated it is one of those positions that can have a profound effect for a long time to come, and we will see the results of the government shutdown, the resignation of Mattis, the abandonment of our long-term allies and the continued disintegration of the financial markets for a long time. We will look back at this period as a watershed moment in the chaotic events of this era.


While this time of year is very much about family, friends and the past, on a personal and collective level, it will be even more so this year under this intense lunar aspect. Expect many matters regarding close people and unresolved past issues to be prominent. Perhaps you will be visited by the ghost of Christmas past. Or maybe just by an old lover who wants her CDs and clothes back. J In any case you should try to be prepared emotionally for what may come out now. It is followed on Monday by Mercury in square to Neptune, also a potentially passionate transit. This is a good time to reach out to those you love and to reconnect with anyone you may have drifted away from. It might not all be wonderful, and there is always the chance that some unresolved problems or anger could emerge, but it may be a great interaction that makes you feel closer to who you used to be. It’s worth the risk in either case. At worst it will show you what hasn’t been worked through and offer you a chance to reexamine the past. The holidays are always wrought with emotional issues and the raw, deep inner struggles we all face. Take a deep breath and stay focused. Whatever arises there are lessons to be learned and growth to be encountered. Have a safe and wonderful pre-holiday weekend and don’t let old wounds or unresolved issues stop you from sharing much with those you love. J