Those of you who follow my work either on FB, in my newsletters or in the media know that I’ve been advising for many months to anyone who would listen to get out of the markets. If you are over 50 and you may need the money for living expenses it would be folly to risk your security. Now that the markets are acting just how I predicted what’s the excuse? The stocks will hit support and temporarily bottom out, and then there will be a pop. Will it represent a new run up? No! It will what they call a “dead cat bounce.” We are entering a bear market with lower highs and lower lows. The recession is coming, and there will be a series of crashes. What we’re seeing now is a slow meltdown. The first crash will probably be next May – June. Then there will be a recovery, only to be followed by further crashes through 2021. I’ll be posting a more complete examination and a lecture in January that I will tape or video and make available to those who aren’t in NYC. PLEASE use caution and common sense. The issues that are affecting the markets, including severe debt, a trillion dollar tax theft, international instability, and ridiculous policies such as a tariff war with no exit plan, foreign policies based only an the whim of one individual with zero experience or understanding, will not suddenly go away. We have entered the period of total chaos and a disintegration of all sense of propriety. Protect yourself and your resources. Put your money in cash or bonds. If they collapse it won’t matter anyway, as we will all be standing on quicksand. I prefer to believe that the collective consciousness will not allow that to happen and that we will eventually find solid footing. Be well my friends and have a very happy holiday with your friends and family, no matter what. Remember, love is the only thing that matters in the end. Mitch.