Sun enters Capricorn

Sun enters Capricorn


Also on Friday December 21st at 5:23 P.M. EST we enter this Saturn – ruled sign. Where Sagittarius was outgoing, gregarious and fun-loving, Capricorn is more down to earth and stable. It is interested in building a strong foundation and planning for the future, and not concerned with the frivolity that Sag is so drawn to. This is often a month when we deal with the more profound issues in our lives, such as health, financial security, aging and companionship. Those areas that aren’t as solid as we would like come to the forefront and demand our attention. It’s a very positive, though not usually a flamboyant period. And, as you know, the first day of Capricorn is the first day of winter, so there’s a sense of prolonged cold and withdrawal ahead. But it is a time to get some serious work done and to examine what is and isn’t working out in your life. If you use the energy of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn to your advantage it will help you make important choices and put down a secure structure that will support you in all your endeavors.

As I mention often at this time of year, I find it fascinating that the holiday shopping season falls mostly in Sagittarius, while the actual holiday of Christmas is in Capricorn. Coincidental? I don’t believe much in coincidence. There is a collective consciousness that drives our culture and while it isn’t always right (politics, anyone?) there is a reason for many things we do, and preparing for the holidays, shopping, entertaining and putting up all the lights and other festivities during Sagittarius is certainly better than trying to do it under Capricorn’s restrictive force.