Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury Enters Sagittarius

On Wednesday December 12th at 6:43 P.M. EST until January 4th 10:40 P.M. EST Mercury returns to Sagittarius where it traveled through November as it retrograded. This is an exciting placement for the planet of thought and communication. There’s an underlying optimism and a desire to learn new things. People will be outgoing and quite chatty, and conversations will be lively. This is a very sociable placement and it will add a layer of fun to the holiday season. As I said earlier in this newsletter Sagittarius has little use for boundaries or limitations and there will be a tendency to overspend, overeat, overdrink, so get over it ( if you’ll pardon my saying). The Sun, Jupiter and now Mercury are all in this expansive and fun-loving sign so try to keep things in perspective. It won’t be very easy to do, and with the lights, Christmas music and bubbly personalities, we could all get caught up in the overwhelming excitement and fun we associate with this time of year. Have a good time and talk to those people you’ve missed and may not have contacted in some time. The conversations will be entertaining and you may reconnect with someone important whose presence has faded from your life. They may have something very valuable to teach you, or they may just remind you how very much you’ve missed them. This is a great time for travel of all sorts, so try to get away at least for a brief trip. One word of advise. Don’t make promises you can’t keep or exaggerate things too much. Either is a possibility and could result in being overwhelmed trying to juggle too much.