Newsletter: December 2018

Newsletter: December 2018

ISSUE # 233

December 2018

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.


For those of you who follow my work in my newsletters, lectures and media outlets you know that for the past year I’ve been advising anyone who would listen that the markets are going to enter bear territory and are heading for a crash. I said so last January on Coast to Coast and my feelings haven’t changed one bit. While the 800 points of Monday’s drop is serious, in a 25,000 DOW it doesn’t represent a crash. Although we are going into a bear market, and we will see lower highs and lower lows as we head into 2019. There will be follow through on the down side for a while and I continue to advise extreme caution if you are invested in the markets, either through your retirement funds or as a trader.

We are going to see some very scary times ahead, and those who will need the money currently in the equities to live on you should be putting it into cash, or short term bonds. We are heading for a “debt-fueled recession” that will last a long time and could have a devastating effect on the middle class and working class in America and the world. The policies of this administration have helped put us in an untenable situation beginning with the redistribution of a trillion and a half dollars in last year’s tax cuts favoring the rich, and we will pay the price.

Mr. Trump bankrupted every business he ever ran. What makes you think it will be different when the business he is running is theAmerican economy? I don’t like being right when it results in pain for people, but it’s necessary to be realistic and protect your resources. Truthfully, I hope I’m wrong. And if so, I will be the first to admit it. And over the coming two years we will see if I am correct or not. In the meantime I hope you will all learn something about how these markets and your retirement accounts work and take measures to ensure your stability and security.



The New Moon falls on Friday December 7th at 2:20 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Sagittarius 07 minutes. TheSagittarius New Moon implies a time when we should be looking outward towards the future. This is the most expansive of signs and its underlying energy is one of optimism and growth. Take a moment to look at your life and the world around you and see how you may be able to enlarge your outlook or aim your projects and plans in a new direction. The main difficulty with this sign is its inability to accept boundaries and limitations. As such, it’s very possible to expand too much or too quickly and to find yourself trying to juggle more than you are capable of. But if you can keep things in perspective and work within a structured foundation you can make great strides.

This is why students of astrology eventually come to embrace the correlation between Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and Saturn, ruler of Capricorn. By understanding the relationship between our desire for growth and our need for stability we can come to a place of personal compromise and develop a philosophy that encompasses both. At the moment Jupiter and Capricorn are each transiting the sign they rule, so there is a sort of equilibrium in the world that will allow those of us who pay attention a chance to move in a slow and steady fashion, while pushing the limits of our potential carefully and with regard for the underlying foundation. However, with the Sun & Jupiter already in this mutable fire sign, and Mercury about to enter as well on December 12th it may be easy to forget the rules and over-extend, taking on too many promises, projects and risks. Try to keep that in mind as the universe offers you opportunities that at times may seem too good to be true. This can occur in work, relationships and all areas of life.

Because Mars is about to conjunct Neptune later this morning it will set the atmosphere for this lunar cycle, and this month will have a bit of a confused air about it. It won’t be as easy to see what’s real and what’s an illusion. Mars rules the ego, our physical strength and the assertiveness within us all. It doesn’t do that well when aspected toNeptune or Pisces, and you may find that there are moments when you may feel foggy or your inner strength seems to be failing you, so try to be sure of your actions. And if you’re not sure, have patience. Clarity will return in a short while.


Also on Friday December 7th at 9:12 A.M. EST this difficult aspect will complete. Mars is all about action and assertiveness and it doesn’t do that well when coupled with ethereal Neptune. But a lot has to do with what projects you’re working on. For example, this isn’t such a good aspect for business, money issues or contracts, and there could easily be mistakes, or you may agree to a compromise that you will regret down the line. It’s not a good time for any sort of confrontation as your usual oomph and aggressive side may be watered down by a misplaced desire to serve others in inappropriate ways, and you may not standup for yourself and your point of view. But it can be a very positive aspect for the arts or all creative ventures. There is a strong urge to create, and if used properly it’s possible to do some fabulous work under this influence that will have a powerful effect on others. Relationship issues usually don’t go smoothly as there is fogginess about what to do and how to approach it. But if you can reach a place of spirituality and allow your inner voice to come out you may be able find compassion and a depth of understanding that often is difficult to achieve. It’s up to you how you use this energy. Be careful when dealing with material issues as they may not be easy to grasp. But keep an open mind with all things involving charity or empathy. You might be able to do something very meaningful for someone that could have long term positive effects.


OnWednesday December 12th at 6:43 P.M. EST until January 4th10:40 P.M. EST Mercury returns to Sagittarius where it traveled through November as it retrograded.This is an exciting placement for the planet of thought and communication.There’s an underlying optimism and a desire to learn new things. People will be outgoing and quite chatty, and conversations will be lively. This is a very sociable placement and it will add a layer of fun to the holiday season. As I said earlier in this newsletter Sagittarius has little use for boundaries or limitations and there will be a tendency to overspend, overeat, over drink, so get over it ( if you’ll pardon my saying). The Sun, Jupiter and now Mercury are all in this expansive and fun-loving sign so try to keep things in perspective.It won’t be very easy to do, and with the lights, Christmas music and bubbly personalities, we could all get caught up in the overwhelming excitement and fun we associate with this time of year. Have a good time and talk to those people you’ve missed and may not have contacted in some time. The conversations will be entertaining and you may reconnect with someone important whose presence has faded from your life. They may have something very valuable to teach you, or they may just remind you how very much you’ve missed them. This is a great time for travel of all sorts, so try to get away at least for a brief trip.


On Sunday December 16th at 9:27 A.M. EST we will all be more realistic about our relationships. This is a moment to examine your closest connections, including friendships, family and significant others. You can do so without being stogy or too critical. The trines and sextiles allow us to use the energy of the two planets in tandem in a positive and useful manner. If there’s some relationship you need to look at honestly, this is a good time to do so. With Mars about to sextile Pluto tomorrow there is positive energy surrounding all of your connections so don’t be afraid to see what’s going on.


On Monday December 17th at 1:53 A.M. EST this positive aspect will follow the Venus sextile Saturn mentioned above and will help us examine personal relationships without creating much tension or stress. You can dig deeply into issues now without the fear of upsetting the status quo too much. Don’t be afraid to bring things to the surface and see what’s happening in the unconscious. You may be able to clear up some issues that have been causing problems and take things to the next level. There’s a desire to see the truth with all Pluto aspects, and now you can do so in a controlled and unhurried way. This is a good aspect for working with others or for setting plans in motion that may take some time to complete. Try to look over your projects and see which ones require support from other people and try to give them a push. You should find that you get support, especially if the situation offers some reward or advancement for everyone involved.


On Thursday December 20th at 11:21 A.M. EST this very positive trine will allow us all to make changes in our direction without the usual resistance from the world. You can examine your life and see where you have become stifled or things are bogged down. This is a chance to shake things up and choose a new direction without too much disruption. This isn’t a day to sit around in front of a computer. If possible you should get out and explore the universe. You may be quite pleasantly surprised by what you discover. Seek out new people, ideas and opportunities. Don’t stick to your usual routine. Even a different type of cuisine, music or entertainment should be quite stimulating. Any creative or artistic project you’re involved with may have a breakthrough today. This is followed tomorrow by Venus in trine to Neptune, and Mercury conjunct Jupiter two very creative aspects, so use these few days to enhance your work and your relationships. This is a time for something new and adventurous, so take the plunge whether it’s in your career or personal life.


On Friday December 21st at 12:12 P.M. EST this isn’t a very powerful transit, but it will create a pleasant and easy-going atmosphere that favors all creative and spiritual endeavors. If you are working on an artistic project or helping others in anyway this will aid you in your work. It’s followed immediately by the very positive and more animated Mercury conjunct Jupiter, so there will be more energy than we would usually find with this trine. The combination will make this a day or do when social interaction, creative activities and all pleasurable events will go well. The Sun will enter Capricorn later today as well, so look at this as the exit from playful Sagittarius and make the most of it. We are in the Christmas week, and our society is about to make a change in mood as it always does when we transit from Sag to Capricorn.


Also on Friday December 21st at 12:37 P.M. EST this extremely positive and optimistic aspect will make us all outgoing and gregarious. This is a great day for all holiday activities, including social events, decorating or shopping, although there will be a tendency to overdo things. Try to keep that in mind when you buy your gifts whether you choose to sit on line or fight the crowds in the malls and stores. This is a great day for all communications or anything that opens your consciousness. There is a lot of information coming at us and if you keep your ears and eyes open you may learn something quite important. You should reach out to your important people, some of whom you may have lost contact with through the year. You can reestablish your relationship more easily now and heal any rifts that may exist. This also favors all travel, so see if you can get away even for a short sojourn. If you’re planning a longer trip, especially to a foreign land, this is a great day to begin it. With these two planets inJupiter – ruled Sagittarius, the most expansive of signs this is an opportunity that comes once every 12 years. We will all be more far-sighted and can make plans that may not come to fruition for some time. But the seed of the idea will be vast and radical. As we enter Capricorn it will become more solidified and structured over the coming weeks. Now is the time to germinate the seed so it can grow over time.


Also on Friday December 21st at 5:23 P.M. EST we enter this Saturn – ruled sign. WhereSagittarius was outgoing, gregarious and fun-loving, Capricorn is more down to earth and stable. It is interested in building a strong foundation and planning for the future, and not concerned with the frivolity that Sag is so drawn to. This is often a month when we deal with the more profound issues in our lives, such as health, financial security, aging and companionship. Those areas that aren’t as solid as we would like come to the forefront and demand our attention. It’s a very positive, though not usually a flamboyant period. And, as you know, the first day of Capricorn is the first day of winter, so there’s a sense of prolonged cold and withdrawal ahead. But it is a time to get some serious work done and to examine what is and isn’t working out in your life. If you use the energy of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn to your advantage it will help you make important choices and put down a secure structure that will support you inall your endeavors.

As I mention often at this time of year, I find it fascinating that the holiday shopping season falls mostly inSagittarius, while the actual holiday of Christmas is in Capricorn.Coincidental? I don’t believe much in coincidence. There is a collective consciousness that drives our culture and while it isn’t always right (politics, anyone?)there is a reason for many things we do, and preparing for the holidays, shopping, entertaining and putting up all the lights and other festivities during Sagittarius is certainly better than trying to do it under Capricorn’s restrictive force.


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Saturday December 22nd at 12:49 P.M.EST at 0 degree Cancer 49 minutes. This may be a very emotional few days as we will be seeing the Full Moon at zero degrees of Cancer, perhaps the most sensitive and passionate of signs. Any thing that occurs in the first few degrees of a sign is most powerful for the energy of that sign. So expect people to emote a great deal around this aspect. While this time of year is very much about family, friends and the past, it will be even more so this year under this intense lunar aspect. Expect many matters regarding close people and unresolved past issues to be prominent. Perhaps you will be visited by the ghost of Christmas past. Or maybe just by an old lover who wants her CDs and clothes back. In any case you should try to be prepared emotionally for what may come out now. It is followed on Monday by Mercury in square to Neptune, also a potentially passionate transit. This is a good time to reach out to those you love and to reconnect with anyone you may have drifted from. It might not all be wonderful, and there is always the chance that some unresolved problems oranger could emerge, but it may be a great interaction that makes you feel closer to who you used to be. It’s worth the risk in either case. At worst it will show you what hasn’t been worked through and offer you a chance to reexamine the past.


On Monday December 24th at 7:33 P.M. EST this confusing and at times difficult square might make it hard to get some things done. There is a fog around conversations and it may be hard to express what you’re feeling. But if you’re willing to take the risk and open yourself up to others you could reach someone on a deeper level than usual and possibly gain a real understanding of what’s going on. Because this is Christmas Eve and many people will be traveling you need to use some caution and pay close attention or there could be problems. Mercury rules travel and Neptune create a fog, so mistakes, misunderstandings, accidents and bad directions are certainly possible. You might even have some trouble with your GPS, so try to make sure you know where you’re going. If you approach this from a place of spirit and soul and not try to force an issue or demand answers that may not be available, you will find it easier to navigate through your conversations. Give into the spiritual side of things and reach out to people through love and understanding. There will be plenty of time for serious discussions, arguments and recrimination after the holidays. For now just tell those you love how you feel and let it go at that.



On Friday December 28th at 4:27 P.M.EST we have another chance to inspect our relationships in an honest and delving fashion without the usual stress that can accompany such an examination. If there are changes you wish to make in your closest connections you can do so now and set them into motion. This is a quick moving transit, so don’t expect to completely redesign your relationships, but it is a moment to check out what’s been going on in the undercurrent and to have an important discussion or just redirect the energy. If something has been bothering you in a relationship this may be a good time to discuss it. Pluto will help you uncover the truth, and because it’s a positive sextile you should be able to do so without upsetting things too much.


OnMonday December 31st at 9:20 P.M. EST until February 14that 5:51 A.M. EST Mars comes home to roost in the sign it rules. This will be about 6 weeks when many people will act more forceful and arrogant than they have lately. While Mars was in Pisces it lost a bit of its bite. There were times when many of us didn’t feel quite as assertive or direct as we would have liked. Now with Mars in its own sign there will be more force behind our communications and actions. Do use a little caution. Just because a planet is in the sign it rules doesn’t mean that everything will go smoothly. In fact, often there will be an overabundance of the force implied by that planet and we can go overboard in our reactions.

With Mars in Aries there will be times when some people will be more aggressive than they realize. It seems as though you wish to make up for lost time and express all of the tension, anger and angst that you’ve been pushing down lately. But that would be a mistake. It’s enough to be assertive without being aggressive ,and if you can keep that in mind you will get much more done than if you are pushy and arrogant. You can be direct and move things forward without acting demanding and controlling. If you can do that, you have a better chance of succeeding.


On Wednesday January 2nd at 12:50 A.M. EST this dour and restrictive aspect will make us all more realistic and serious. That doesn’t mean that we all must be grumpy and in abad mood. This does tend to be a low energy transit and I wouldn’t suggest planning too strenuous a schedule or put together a significant social event.Many people will be a bit withdrawn and may be thinking about serious and important issues. This is really a day for hard work and dealing with things that require our attention. Any projects that have been bugging you and demanding that you complete what is lingering in the unfinished pile will be in the forefront of your thoughts. Clean up your desk, put away the holiday stuff and prepare for the coming winter. We are in the month of Capricorn and Saturn being its ruler is simply stating its purpose and taking control. This conjunction some ways represents that very essence of Capricorn energy and will set the pace for the coming weeks. If we use Saturn correctly we can accomplish much and organize our lives. But if we misuse it or expect things to be easy and light-hearted we will be disappointed and not achieve what we set out to do. Using astrology to our advantage has much to do with recognizing the energy and accepting it for what it is, not wishing it was something else.


On Friday January 4th at 12:12 A.M. EST our thoughts will be moving quickly and we will all be looking at things from a different perspective. Allow your mind some room to move and let it meander where it will go. You may be surprised by some ideas or input you receive. New concepts and thoughts might lead you in a different direction and you might just discover a new approach to an old problem. This is a very positive connection between the lower and the higher mind, and if you can let your awareness go where it will and not limit its potential you will be using it properly and can discover some ideas you hadn’t considered. This is a day to stay busy and not just sit around or you will be antsy and irritable. Keep active and look for new input of all sorts.


Also on Friday January 4th at 2:58 P.M. EST this sextile will add a layer of compassion and depth of feeling to the other aspects that surround it. This isn’t a very powerful transit but it has its purpose, which is mostly to put us in touch with the spiritual side of things. Because we are dealing with so muchCapricorn energy now, with the Sun, Saturn and Pluto in that sign and Mercury about to enter in a few hours, it’s important to balance the earth with some other elements. Capricorn is mostly concerned with what we call the “real world” and can at times forget that there are other things going on as well.This sextile to watery Neptune will at least offer us a chance to stay in touch with the less material oriented side of our society, which in turn will make our decisions more well-rounded and complete in a humanist fashion.


Also on Friday January 4th as 10:40 P.M. EST until January 24that 12:50 A.M. EST Mercury will be traveling through Saturn – ruled Capricorn and we will all be thinking in amore realistic fashion. This can be a moody transit and some of us will feel this intensely. If you have a Mercury – Saturn aspect in your natal chart this will feel like more of the same, although it could bring your thinking and reasoning powers to a crawl as you deal with the limitations this implies.There is nothing frivolous or light-hearted about this placement and for the next few weeks it would behoove us all to focus on our responsibilities and get as much work done as possible. This is a good transit for dealing with details and closely scrutinizing your paperwork. Clean out your home and throw away all the stuff you no longer have any use for. You have probably just been holding onto it because of inertia. One way to begin the process of change is to let goof those things that are no longer valid. The important mementoes can be stored away somewhere, and the rest can be discarded.


The next New Moon falls on Saturday January 5th at 8:28 P.M. EST at 15degrees Capricorn 25 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the NewMoon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will beVoid of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are EasternDaylight Time:

December 8th 5:00 A.M. – 7:01 A.M.

December 10th 4:27 P.M. – 6:39 P.M.

December 13th 5:20 A.M. – 7:40 A.M.

December 15th 6:49 A.M. – 7:44 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours

December 18th 2:21 A.M. – 4:37 A.M.

December 19th 7:42 P.M. – December 20th 9:34 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

December 22nd 9:21 A.M. – 11:28 A.M.

December 24th 9:50 A.M. – 11:58 A.M.

December 26th 10:36 A.M. – 12:50 P.M.

December 28th 11:27 A.M. – 3:23 P.M.

December 30th 5:53 P.M. – 8:23 P.M.

January 1st 5:26 P.M. – January 2nd 3:58 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

January 4th 12:41 P.M. – 1:55 P.M.

January 7th 1:20 A.M. – 1:46 A.M.

January 9th 11:53 A.M. – 2:44 P.M.

January 11th 9:25 A.M. – January 12th 3:18 A.M.

December 2018

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