New Moon December 2018

New Moon December 2018


The New Moon falls on Friday December 7th at 2:20 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Sagittarius 07 minutes. The Sagittarius New Moon implies a time when we should be looking outward towards the future. This is the most expansive of signs and its underlying energy is one of optimism and growth. Take a moment to look at your life and the world around you and see how you may be able to enlarge your outlook or aim your projects and plans in a new direction. The main difficulty with this sign is its inability to accept boundaries and limitations. As such, it’s very possible to expand too much or too quickly and to find yourself trying to juggle more than you are capable of. But if you can keep things in perspective and work within a structured foundation you can make great strides. This is why students of astrology eventually come to embrace the correlation between Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and Saturn, ruler of Capricorn. By understanding the relationship between our desire for growth and our need for stability we can come to a place of personal compromise and develop a philosophy that encompasses both. At the moment Jupiter and Capricorn are each transiting the sign they rule, so there is a sort of equilibrium in the world that will allow those of us who pay attention a chance to move in a slow and steady fashion, while pushing the limits of our potential carefully and with regard for the underlying foundation. However, with the Sun & Jupiter already in this mutable fire sign, and Mercury about to enter as well on December 12th it may be easy to forget the rules and over-extend, taking on too many promises, projects and risks. Try to keep that in mind as the universe offers you opportunities that at times may seem too good to be true. This can occur in work, relationships and all areas of life.

Because Mars is about to conjunct Neptune later this morning it will set the atmosphere for this lunar cycle, and this month will have a bit of a confused air about it. It won’t be as easy to see what’s real and what’s an illusion. Mars rules the ego, our physical strength and the assertiveness within us all. It doesn’t do that well when aspected to Neptune or Pisces, and you may find that there are moments when you may feel foggy or your inner strength seems to be failing you, so try to be sure of your actions. And if you’re not sure, have patience. Clarity will return in a short while.