The Sun Squares Neptune

The Sun Squares Neptune

On Wednesday December 5th at 5:22 P.M. EST this most confusing and distracting square will make it difficult to see reality. You shouldn’t assume that what you’re dealing with is as real as you think. This is often a very low energy day, and if it sets off your chart you may feel rundown and lethargic. Don’t take it too seriously. If there really is something wrong with you, you will know after this passes. But if it’s just a passing mood and a few hours of tiredness it will soon pass. Mercury is stationary now and its energy is repressed, so don’t expect things to move very fast or in a clear direction. Take your time and wait. If you feel a bit rundown it’s just the combination of energies we are under. This is often a very bad day in the stock markets. And as this was applying the DOW dropped 800 points!