Mercury Goes Direct

Mercury Goes Direct


On Thursday December 6th at 4:22 P.M. EST right before the New Moon Mercury turns around. This coming New Moon will be very powerful. Not only is it a Sag Moon, which tends to think in big and boundless terms, but with Mercury going direct now as well we are about to see things move very quickly. Use caution for a few days as we get used to the redirection of Mercury. While it is changing direction is often when mistakes and misunderstanding occur. Be careful while traveling, and reread that email before you send it out. You might hit the wrong button and send it to someone you hadn’t meant to. It might also be wise to install a breathalyzer on your computer so you can’t hit “send” after two glasses of wine.

When Mercury goes direct we often uncover a lot of things and the truth has a nasty habit of being exposed, whether we like it or not. But Mercury is in Scorpio until December 12th at 6:43 P.M. EST, so for a few days there may be a lot of issues still lurking in the shadows. Once it enters Sagittarius many of these things will come pouring out as we all try to express the truth, as we see it. If you need a new computer, cell phone, car or yacht it would be okay to purchase it. But personally I would wait until Mercury enters Sag if at all possible.

Interesting timing in regard to the heavily redacted filings from Mueller. The one tomorrow might have less black ink.

The truth will come out over the coming weeks. As Mercury begins its direct motion much will be exposed. I think a very interesting thing was how the DOW reversed direction at the end of the day just as Mercury was stationary and eliminated almost 800 points of lose to end the day in the black. Of course they’re down 400 points today as I write this. We are entering a bear market and heading towards the series of crashes I expect between 2019-21. Hold on tight, y’all.

No fair! I always thought once it went direct I was out of the woods, but nooooo. My pesky e-mail account refuses to send the message I just wrote my friend about how the letter I tried to send her yesterday was missed by the mailman because I placed it too far back in the box (to avoid the rain puddles at the front of the box.) I guess I have a LOT to learn about astrology (and mail people?).

Hi Tracie, Unfortunately things don’t suddenly get easier when Mercury (or any planet) reverses direction. Sometimes it gets even weirder. There is something called the “Shadow Phase” when that planet must catch up to the degree it was when it went retrograde, in this case Mercury must get to 13 degrees Sag on Dec 21st before it leaves that phase. Many astrologers consider this a secondary period that requires attention. I agree that it’s important, but still believe that once it goes direct most of the issues are easier to deal with. See, on the direct Mercury you discovered the error and can now fix it. 🙂

Thanks for the encouragement! Yes, I think my friend finally got the wayward message about the wayward letter, and will soon get the wayward letter. 🙂