Venus enters Scorpio

Venus enters Scorpio


On Sunday December 2nd at 12:02 P.M. EST Venus joins Mercury in this Pluto & Mars controlled sign and the results may be difficult. When Venus or Mars is in the sign the other rules there is an underlying force that may conflict with our usual style of interacting. You might find that relationship issues are more intense and there is an ego drive behind how we relate to each other. People will be more assertive and demanding, so try not to act too aggressively. This placement will bring a number of issues and secrets into the open. They may not all be pleasant, but it’s better to know what’s going on than to act on incomplete information. Many relationships will take on a rather powerful energy and you may get into a spat or two. As long as you’re honest and direct, and don’t allow hidden agendas to control things this can be a positive time. But be ready as the force behind this transit will be intense, delving and relentless.