The Sun Conjuncts Mercury

The Sun Conjuncts Mercury


On Tuesday November 27th at 4:15 A.M. EST this conjunct will expand the Jupiter energy we have already been under. The Sun was conjunct Jupiter yesterday and Mercury will conjunct it today. So we cannot separate this energy, it’s really of a piece and represents three days of expansion and activity. Thoughts, ideas, conversations and all forms of communication are important. You need to pay attention because there will be so much input it may be hard to juggle it all. People will be willful and assertive, so don’t waste time on useless disagreements. Focus on the most important issues and discussions, and get things out into the open where they can be analyzed and improved upon. This is a good day for social interaction and you should get together with close friends. If there’s an important conversation that you’ve needed to engage in, this would be a good day to do so. You will both be open to hearing the truth, but keep in mind that Jupiter will blow things out of proportion and any misunderstandings or buried anger may become difficult to handle. Keep your eyes and ears open and if something seems to be getting out of whack you would be wise to pull back and just leave it for another day. This continues to favor travel and all forms of learning.