Mercury conjuncts Jupiter

Mercury conjuncts Jupiter


Also on Tuesday November 27th at 5:27 P.M. EST we will all have a lot to say. The pace of information coming at us all will be intense and may be more than we can handle. I would suggest that you try to slow things down or at the very least not make any permanent decisions or plans. They may seem perfectly fine on paper, but when you try to implement them you could discover that the amount of energy and resources it will take to make them a reality might be impossible to achieve. It’s very possible to overdo things and to miss details. Jupiter is interested in the bigger picture and isn’t all that good with the little things. This is an outgoing and optimistic energy, and most of us will be chatty and wish to engage in pleasantries. Just try not to let things get out of control. Whatever the conversation is, it will certainly be tempting to expand it, possibly with half-truths and promises that may be hard to fulfill. This is a great day for travel and you should at least take a long walk or a drive somewhere pleasing.