Sun conjuncts Jupiter

Sun conjuncts Jupiter


On Monday November 26th at 1:34 A.M. EST this most optimistic and outgoing aspect will complete. This is a few days when we will all be sociable and active. Because Mercury conjuncts Mars today as well, it will be a very active day of conversations and interaction. Relationships of all sorts will be in the forefront and demand our attention. This is a very enthusiastic energy and should be good for relating to each other. But with that Mercury-Mars square active now as well, it would be wise to try and keep things in perspective. If an argument ensues, this Jupiter energy might exacerbate it to huge proportions. Jupiter is often misunderstood. While it is the most positive and growth oriented of planets, its purpose is to expand things, sometimes without regard for boundaries or generally accepted rules. This is a good day for travel, as it will help take off the blinders and let you see things that you may have been missing.  And do anything educational that increases your consciousness in any manner that you can. Don’t sit home in front of your computer. Get out and see what the world has to offer. While the internet can bring you information, it’s the real world that will put you in touch with life and stimulate your mind and soul.