Mercury squares Mars

Mercury squares Mars


Also on Monday November 26th at 3:06 A.M. EST this forceful conjunct will coincide with the Sun conjunct Jupiter mentioned above. You need to use some care today and tomorrow. This combination can lead to arguments and unfiltered communication. It’s easy to be drawn into disputes that you may not even care about. But this energy is feisty and argumentative, so be careful. Because of the Sun conjunct Mercury mentioned below we will have Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and the Sun square Mars in a few days. It will be a few weeks of high energy and possibly a lot of conflict. Don’t waste your time on frivolous disputes. If something is worth fighting about, then there will be enough force to see it through. But if it’s a useless issue that is just based on egos gone wild, you would be wise to walk away and find a positive outlet for the energy. This square will demand that we all pay attention to how we’re feeling, and to put this excessive force where it will either be productive or, at the least, won’t be destructive. Use caution especially while traveling. Accidents are certainly possible and many people may be feeling some repressed rage. Even if you’re at ease, the person in the next car may not be, so drive defensively and don’t take chances.