Neptune Goes Direct

Neptune Goes Direct


On Saturday November 24th at 8:09 P.M. EST this most spiritual of planets will begin its direct motion after months in retrograde. While it was running backwards much of the ethereal issues were introverted and it was difficult to express certain feelings. Now as it turns around some things that have been lost in the fog will finally come into the light. We all live in the material and the spiritual realms and the more enlightened try to balance between the two with one foot in each world. As we get used to Neptune’s reversal it may be difficult for a few days to keep that equilibrium. Allow your compassion room to express itself and don’t lose sight of your goals. The fogginess Neptune implies might make it difficult to stay on course. This is a good time to show any creative work you have been preparing to the world. While in retrograde many artistic ventures have been primarily active in the unconscious or kept in the background. Now it may be time to let the world decide whether there is a place for it outside of your studio. But keep in mind, art has a life of its own and no matter what anyone thinks of your work it is only their opinion. If someone rejects or criticizes your project that doesn’t mean they are right. Someone else may find great talent and comfort in what you’re doing. Remember, the Beatles were turned down by a dozen record companies before finally getting their deal. I’ve often wondered what those record executives who passed on the band felt as the years went by. J