Sun Enters Sagittarius

Sun Enters Sagittarius


On Thursday November 22nd at 4:02 A.M. EST we enter the mutable part of autumn as we prepare to enter winter. This is the most expansive of signs and it’s often misunderstood. While its ruler Jupiter is considered the greater benefic and often is associated with luck, growth and new ideas, it can also blow things out of proportion and create untenable situations when it is impossible to juggle the number of things you believe you can handle. Self-control isn’t really one of Sag’s traits. It will be easy to expect too much or to lose sight of the boundaries and foundation we rely on. This is usually a good time for travel, unless you are going through difficult aspects. It’s also a time to study any subject that may interest you. The Sun will conjunct Jupiter on Nov 26th, and we are heading into a period of expansion. Just make sure you are growing in ways that make sense and will ultimately add to your self-image. And don’t bite off more than you can chew. This can manifest in positive or negative ways. If something is going well it may grow to excellent proportions and lead to something big. But if something is going badly it could exacerbate under this influence and collapse completely. Be careful and try to keep a sense of proportion and balance. If you do, this will be a terrific period.