Full Moon in Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday November 23rd at 12:39 A.M. EST at 0 degree Gemini 52 minutes. This Full Moon is all about communication and day-to-day activities. We will all be pretty busy with errand and such for a few days surrounding this. With the Sun and Mercury about to conjunct Jupiter this is going to be a few weeks of serious conversations and a lot of information coming in. It would be wise to take steps to ensure that you don’t make mistakes or miss important details. Because Mercury is in retrograde now this Gemini aspect will have more influence than usual. With so much Jupiter activity and Mercury traveling through Sagittarius the mutable axis will be the focus of this month’s action. Caution is certainly called for when traveling. Pay attention to what you’re doing. It will be easy to be distracted and get lost. Accidents are possible if this sets off your chart.

Expect to hear some interesting, and possibly upsetting news. Much will be revealed personally and in world events. We’ve been waiting for the results of a number of elections, and the information may finally be exposed now. The Mueller investigation is also on many minds, and this could be when some decision is made. This aspect is at 0 degrees, the most powerful point in any sign. Whatever you do for the next few days pay attention to how you’re speaking. It will be easy to set off an argument and not as easy to smooth it over.

Thanksgiving came as this aspect was applying, so it’s possible that there are a few things that were said or some emotional issues with family or friends that may need healing. The holidays are often a difficult time, and the feelings they bring out can be more than we can handle. Don’t be stubborn. If someone is upset it would be better to set things straight before too much time passes and it festers.