On Friday November 16th at 5:50 A.M. EST Venus finally turns around, and hasn’t this been an interesting retrograde? Many relationships were forced to contend with unresolved problems and we had to examine what was really going on in the undercurrent. That isn’t a bad thing, and it’s necessary to occasionally clear the air. But it can be uncomfortable or even embarrassing for some. There are always risks when we bring the shadow side out, whether it’s personal or collective. But when an important connection between you and someone close is at risk we tend to tread lightly and not want to upset the applecart. But that can let things fester and become even more destructive as time goes by. Friendships, lovers and partnerships of all sorts are the foundation of our lives, and losing a close person hurts a great deal. Now that Venus is turning around we can see what we’ve gained and what we’ve lost, and while it may be unsettling, we should review what occurred during the Rx motion and see where changes have happened and just how to implement them into our day to day. This is a time to move your closest connections forward and find room for new growth. It may demand a redefinition in some cases, and some relationships may end altogether. But the strong ones will flourish and new roots will take hold. Don’t be afraid to face the truth. Hiding from it will only set up failure down the line.


This may represent a new direction for the financial markets. Which way they go is the question. We are heading towards a recession, but that may be as much as a year ahead. For now I recommend continued caution and keeping a close watch on world events. Remember, the stock market isn’t an indicator of the economy. It’s only an indicator of the stock market. What you do with your resources has much to do with your situation. One issue is age. If you’re 35 and you have a retirement account that you don’t plan on trading, you may choose to leave it alone. You won’t be accessing the money for many years, and while some people are active with their retirement, moving it from stock to bonds to cash, as world event change, many won’t do that at a younger age. But it you’re 55 or older and might need that money to live on with a short time, it would probably be wise to secure at least half of it in the cash markets. You may not make as much in growth as you might in a bull stock market, but security is its own reward and if you believe there is going to be a downturn of some proportion leaving some resources in easily accessible cash makes a lot of sense. I believe we are heading towards a debt-fueled recession that may take years to recover from. And I am recommending to my clients, especially the older ones that they consider liquidating a percentage of their holdings into cash or secured bonds. Now as Venus reverses we will have an indication of what direction the equities are heading.