Also on Friday November 16th at 8:33 P.M. EST the winged god begins his backwards moonwalk. With Venus and Mercury changing direction on the same day there will be an important alteration in the energy we are all working under. Because Mercury is traveling through Sagittarius when this retrograde begins it’s important not to make too many commitments or take on too much obligation or you may not be able to keep up and fulfill all the promises. Sag tends to overdo everything, and with Mercury in transit here there is a problem with saying too much or blowing things out of proportion. While this can cause difficulties normally, when it’s in Retrograde it can be downright troublesome. The usual advice under any Rx of course remains. Be careful when traveling and make sure you understand exactly what’s being said. It’s not a good time to buy a car, cell phone or airplane. And you need to double check your paperwork. Because of a sloppy attitude details can easily be overlooked, so make sure you have someone else look over any important documents. This is not a good time to sign a contract or commit to anything that you haven’t had time to examine closely. But it is a good time to examine things. The world is slowing down, which gives us an opportunity to look things over and make some changes.


This reversal of Mercury just as Venus begins her direct motion will give us a sense of direction the world is heading. With the results of the recent mid-term election becoming ever clearer with a massive blue wave, we are heading into a period of restriction and limitation of this administrations freedom of movement. As we head towards the Capricorn stellium in 2020 the internal struggle for control of America will become more obvious. I hope that compromise will be found and that we may regain our sanity and perhaps put some programs into place that have bi-partisan support and can move our society towards a healing and fiscal stability. But that would take a massive change in the attitude of the current administration and party. Could that happen? Certainly, and I am cautiously optimistic that the recent election will point the way. But if it doesn’t then we are going into a two year period of resistance and battles.