The Sun Sextiles Pluto

The Sun Sextiles Pluto

On Sunday November 11th at 10:18 A.M. EST we have a chance to uncover some issues that have been hidden. This will give a push to any issues that have been in the forefront since the Scorpio New Moon. Talk to others today. Because this is a positive sextile we can do this without the usual resistance and make some changes that have been needed for some time. When there is a positive aspect to Pluto it’s easier to delve into whatever has been lurking just beneath the surface and bring it out into the light. Any hidden agendas can be examined and possibly improved upon. At the very least this is a good day to talk to each other and find out what’s been on everyone’s mind. Don’t be frightened by the depth of feelings you are discovering. There is nothing superficial when Pluto is involved, and it will often make us aware of what’s been going on in the unconscious for some time. This is also a good day for projects that require working together. The 8th house is highlighted and through collaborative efforts much can be accomplished.