ISSUE # 232
November 2018
So, the midterm elections are finally over. I know the results weren’t perfect, and both sides can feel some disappointment. But it was pretty much what one would expect on a Scorpio dark of the moon. The Dems took the house with a huge reversal of power, giving them one weapon in their struggle for control. The Reps kept the Senate and may have picked up a few seats. All of this is how many thought it would go.
There were several governorships that changed hands and a number of rising stars who, though they lost their elections, showed a strong persona and the power that goes along with it. Beto was wonderful, but he was working a tough crowd. Texas hasn’t turned blue yet, and hasn’t elected a Democrat to the senate in a generation, and his efforts just weren’t enough for the times we live in. But wait. Things change rapidly in this modern age and we are seeing the very beginning of a massive redefinition of America and what path we are on. Now the real battle for power will being.
This month has a number of difficult and potentially angry transits. Mars will be in square to Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun and there will be about a week when caution is certainly called for. During that period, be careful and don’t let your ego control what you do.
Jupiter will enter its ruling sign of Sagittarius. I’ve discussed that aspect below in some detail. There will be many changes in our culture because of this ingress and I’ll be writing more about it on Facebook through this month.
Mercury will retrograde, and the usual warnings are in place. This is also discussed below, and you should mark the dates and be prepared.
The New Moon falls on Wednesday November 7th at 11:02 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Scorpio 11 minutes. Scorpio is known as the transformative sign. It is ruled by Pluto (and co-ruled by Mars) and one of the greatest strengths of this fixed water sign is its ability to dig deeply into any subject and uncover what is buried or hidden. We are at a watershed moment in the world’s history. Yesterday’s election was the most important mid-term in a century with more people voting than have ever in such a contest. And while both sides of the aisle have some reason for celebration, neither is completely satisfied with the outcome. The results will set our direction in fundamental and powerful ways and put our nation and the world on a path that will not alter much for the next two years. The internal power struggle in America has deepened because of that election, and we will see the results intensify as we approach the great alignment of 2020. Pluto is the force that removes waste, cleans out infections and exposes much that has been kept in the shadows. Every year at about this time we experience this New Moon, but this year the stakes couldn’t be higher. America is racing towards our Pluto return, as many of you know, when Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will transit through Capricorn and set off sensitive points in our nation’s chart, and each in time will conjunct our nation’s Pluto. While that period is still some time away, this mid-term election that occurred on the Scorpio Dark of the Moon will be seen as a moment of redirection and a build-up of power that will be unleashed in the coming year. The battle for supremacy in our government and our country is about to become even more disturbing, vitriol and divisive. I wish that weren’t so, and that the election could have had a healing effect, but it’s important that we see what’s coming and prepare in advance. I have some hope that because this is a Scorpio New Moon perhaps, we can find positive ways of aiming our collective energy and figure out places where we can agree and set us on a path of soothing compromise. I can only cross my fingers and hope. But already the signs point in another direction. The first thing that Mr. Trump did after the elections was fire Jeff Sessions so there would not be any protection for Mueller’s ongoing probe.
We are on the verge of a constitutional crisis that will pit the power of the president against the strength of our democracy as laid out in our constitution. Trump has no understanding or regard for the laws and workings of our institutions. He has never held a political position, nor has he any education in such matters. He runs on his gut and will take this battle to the street level, which is where he and his father went to control situations that would normally be out of his reach. But a bully responds by attacking in the most underhanded ways. We are about to see just how low this man and his supporters are willing to go for their personal power. It won’t be pretty, and it won’t be a fight that will easily be won. We must be prepared for all the underhanded actions he is capable of. Now that the Democrats have control of one house of congress the rules have changed. And Donald J. Trump has no idea of how to combat those who have power. He only knows how to attack the weak, disenfranchised, handicapped and powerless. He is about to learn some important lessons about power and bullying.
On a personal level this New Moon will have a more positive and useful purpose, It is offering us a chance to make some changes, and to redirect our energy where it can do the most good. Superficial responses to your queries will be rejected. Nothing short of a delving honest consideration will suffice when Scorpio is involved. This is a time to view things in an open and revealing way and to make any changes that will help us in the coming months. In your life, try to use this to your advantage and seek out new information and ways to redirect your efforts in a transformative way. Don’t be afraid to face any issues that have to do with change. Most of us do not like to alter our path unless we are in serious trouble. But it is so much easier to make changes when the wind is at your back and you don’t have to fight to move forward. Be enthusiastic and look towards the future. Enthusiastic Jupiter is about to enter Sagittarius, the sign that it rules for the next year, and that should give us all a sense of hope and the potential for expansion and optimism. Be hopeful. There’s a reason for everything we experience.
On Thursday November 8th at 7:38 A.M. EST this giant planet that Native Americans called “the second Sun” comes home to the sign it rules for the first time in 12 years. This is an important transit that will redirect our sense of growth and expansion. It is an optimistic transit that will bring much enthusiasm to us personally and on a collective level. But it also could easily blow some things totally out of proportion. How it manifests has much to do with our ability to create sensible and productive boundaries. Look back 12 years and see how things were going in your life and on the world’s stage. While it’s tempting to assume that the same results will occur, that’s an over-simplification of how astrology works. For one thing, neither you nor the world is the same as you were the last time Jupiter entered this sign. We have changed, evolved and while this transit will result in a strong sense of growth and an outgoing and gregarious attitude, the ways that we use this force will depend a great deal on how we see things and what path we are on.
Our species has an underlying belief that the only way to determine advancement is through growth and expansion, and nowhere is that clearer than in America. We have a world economic philosophy that measures how much more we have sold, consumed and used up since the last time we added it all up. If a corporation has sold less cell phone, computers, cars, hotel rooms, or carrots it’s deemed to be heading into trouble. But what about the soul, animals, clean air, trees? What about those things that are finite and cannot be measured in units, but must instead be felt as personal development, knowledge or even relaxation and compassion? How do we decide what growth has occurred in the ethereal plane? While Sagittarius and its ruler, Jupiter are all about expansion and physically enlarging whatever it comes in contact with, we also give this sign and planet governorship over philosophy, education and higher mindedness. There is a dichotomy, a contradiction built right into the definition of this energy. We exist on several planes at once. One of the reasons I have always believed that America has a Sagittarius Ascendant is our collective belief in the growth of our nation “as large as the landmass will allow” a concept called “Manifest Destiny”, apparently first phrased in print in The Democratic Review by Editor John O’Sullivan in 1845. It quickly became a catch phrase for our rapidly expanding country and has been an underlying theme ever since. There is only one sign of the zodiac that would even think this way and would represent the Ascendant, or physical body of the entity, and that sign is Sagittarius.
Jupiter also rules the law. When it was in Scorpio many issues of legality and definition of rights and boundaries were hidden and underhanded. The hope is that now as this planet enters perhaps the most outspoken and open minded sign we will see these issues come to light and be presented to the public. There will be a transparency that has been missing for some time and many issues regarding the courts and interpretation of our laws will be accessible to the public. We can only pray that this will result in a more direct and clear presentation of the legitimate battles that are about to ensue in our government. But remember, Jupiter and Sag can easily blow things out or proportion and while they may be more accessible, there may also be an escalation of legal problems that force our reinterpretation of the laws that govern us. I believe this transit will result in the showdown between this administration and our constitution that many of us have been expecting. One result may be a change in power as a result of recounts in several states. I am optimistic that it will expose the truth. But it will not be pretty. Be prepared.
On Friday November 9th at 10:12 A.M. EST this trine will help all interactions between the sexes, both on an intimate and a casual level. For a day or so leading up to this it will be easy to interact and to express your feelings for one another. If this hits your chart just so it may bring a new friend or love interest into your life. In any case, it will be a day when you will feel very sociable and find it easy to compromise and balance your relationships. Of course, this aspect passes quickly and probably won’t have a long term effect, but it’s a useful energy and may produce a day of pleasant relating. It would be a nice morning for a breakfast meeting or brunch date.
On Sunday November 11th at 10:18 A.M. EST we have a chance to uncover some issues that have been hidden. This will give a push to any issues that have been in the forefront since the Scorpio New Moon. Talk to others today. Because this is a positive sextile, we can do this without the usual resistance and make some changes that have been needed for some time. When there is a positive aspect to Pluto it’s easier to delve into whatever has been lurking just beneath that surface and bring it out into the light. Any hidden agendas can be examined and possibly improved upon. At the very least this is a good day to talk to each other and find out what’s been on everyone’s mind. This is also a good day for projects that require working together.
On Thursday November 15th at 4:31 A.M. EST this high energy aspect will set the atmosphere for a few days. This is also a positive aspect and the force behind it can be used in a productive and proactive manner. Because it completes early in the morning, its effects will be felt more the night before. But it will set up the atmosphere for Thursday. Mars is about to enter Pisces later today, which isn’t usually a very energetic transit. So, try to get things done this morning when the drive and vitality are higher. If you need to express your ego you can do so now without upsetting things too much. Any combination between these two planets will be sharp and somewhat unpredictable, so do keep an eye on how you express yourself and try not to act in an arrogant or aggressive manner. Even a positive aspect can be overwhelming and could ruffle some feathers. But if you are conscious and acting in an appropriate way you can be assertive and direct without overdoing it.
Also, on Thursday November 15th at 5:21 P.M. EST until December 31st at 9:20 P.M. EST Mars enters this Neptune ruled sign. These two energies don’t really do so well together. The ego-fueled Mars needs to make a strong statement and act in a forceful and assertive way. But Pisces energy doesn’t respond that well to aggression. It’s more passive and spiritual and can seem at odds with Mars’ need to control situations through its unbending will. This doesn’t mean that we won’t have assertiveness, just that it will be displayed in a very different way than we are used to. By the way, most major sea battles have occurred while Mars is in transit through the water signs – which shouldn’t be a real surprise to students of mundane astrology. During the Battle of Midway Mars was in Cancer. During the Battle of Trafalgar on Oct 24th, 1805 Mars was in Scorpio, etc. So, you see, there is plenty of energy with Mars in a water sign. It’s how we manifest it that matters. Unless you’re planning on attacking an armada the best way that you can use this transit is working towards the greater good. Anything you can do that is somewhat selfless, helping out a friend, working with a charity or other forms of giving will be productive. This is also a good aspect for artists, especially musicians, writers, photographers and film makers.
On Friday November 16th at 5:50 A.M. EST Venus finally turns around, and hasn’t this been an interesting retrograde? Many relationships were forced to contend with unresolved problems and we had to examine what was really going on in the undercurrent. That isn’t a bad thing, and it’s necessary to occasionally clear the air. But it can be uncomfortable or even embarrassing for some. There are always risks when we bring the shadow side out, whether it’s personal or collective. But when an important connection between you and someone close is at risk we tend to tread lightly and not want to upset the applecart. But that can let things fester and become even more destructive as time goes by. Friendships, lovers and partnerships of all sorts are the foundation of our lives, and losing a close person hurts a great deal. Now that Venus is turning around we can see what we’ve gained and what we’ve lost, and while it may be unsettling, we should review what occurred during the Rx motion and see where changes have happened and just how to implement them into our day to day. This is a time to move your closest connections forward and find room for new growth. It may demand a redefinition in some cases, and some relationships may end altogether. But the strong ones will flourish and new roots will take hold. Don’t be afraid to face the truth. Hiding from it will only set up failure down the line. This may represent a new direction for the financial markets. Which way they go is the question. We are heading towards a recession, but that may be as much as a year ahead. For now I recommend continued caution and keeping a close watch on world events. Remember, the stock market isn’t an indicator of the economy. It’s only an indicator of the stock market.
Also on Friday November 16th at 8:33 P.M. EST the winged god begins his backwards moonwalk. With Venus and Mercury changing direction on the same day there will be an important alteration in the energy we are all working under. Because Mercury is traveling through Sagittarius when this retrograde begins it’s important not to make too many commitments or take on too much obligation or you may not be able to keep up and fulfill all the promises. Sag tends to overdo everything, and with Mercury in transit here there is a problem with saying too much or blowing things out of proportion. While this can cause difficulties normally, when it’s in Retrograde it can be downright troublesome. The usual advice under any Rx of course remains. Be careful when traveling and make sure you understand exactly what’s being said. It’s not a good time to buy a car, cell phone or airplane. And you need to double check your paperwork. Because of a sloppy attitude details can easily be overlooked, so make sure you have someone else look over any important documents. This is not a good time to sign a contract or commit to anything that you haven’t had time to examine closely. But it is a good time to examine things. The world is slowing down, which gives us an opportunity to look things over and make some changes.
On Monday November 19th at 8:30 P.M. EST it will be easy to overdo things. This square will produce an enormous amount of energy that must be directed and used proactively. You must watch how you’re presenting yourself. Mars rules the ego and when it’s in aspect to Jupiter you could be pushy and arrogant without realizing it. Any physical activity will help expunge any excessive force. If you use this properly you can accomplish a great deal in a short time. The usual limitations will not be in effect and if this hits your chart in a sensitive area you will be able to push your ideas and projects forward. But if you let this get out of hand there could be arguments and power struggles. Don’t forget the other person is also experiencing this energy and will most likely also want to express it along with their ego drive.
On Thursday November 22nd at 4:02 A.M. EST we enter the mutable part of autumn as we prepare to enter winter. This is the most expansive of signs and it’s often misunderstood. While its ruler Jupiter is considered the greater benefic and often is associated with luck, growth and new ideas, it can also blow things out of proportion and create untenable situations when it is impossible to juggle the number of things you believe you can handle. Self-control isn’t really one of Sag’s traits. It will be easy to expect too much or to lose sight of the boundaries and foundation we rely on. This is usually a good time for travel, unless you are going through difficult aspects. It’s also a time to study any subject that may interest you. The Sun will conjunct Jupiter on Nov 26th, and we are heading into a period of expansion. Just make sure you are growing in ways that make sense and will ultimately add to your self-image.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday November 23rd at 12:39 A.M. EST at 0 degree Gemini 52 minutes. This Full Moon is all about communication and day-to-day activities. We will all be pretty busy with errand and such for a few days surrounding this. With the Sun and Mercury about to conjunct Jupiter this is going to be a few weeks of serious conversations and a lot of information coming in. It would be wise to take steps to ensure that you don’t make mistakes or miss important details. Because Mercury is in retrograde now this Gemini aspect will have more influence than usual. With so much Jupiter activity and Mercury traveling through Sagittarius the mutable axis will be the focus of this month’s action. Caution is certainly called for when traveling. Pay attention to what you’re doing. It will be easy to be distracted and get lost. Accidents are possible if this sets off your chart.
Expect to hear some interesting, and possibly upsetting news. Much will be revealed personally and in world events. We’ve been waiting for the results of a number of elections, and the information may finally be exposed now. The Mueller investigation is also on many minds, and this could be when some decision is made. This aspect is at 0 degrees, the most powerful point in any sign. Whatever you do for the next few days pay attention to how you’re speaking. It will be easy to set off an argument and not as easy to smooth it over.
Thanksgiving come as this aspect was applying, so it’s possible that there are a few things that were said or some emotional issues with family or friends that may need healing. The holidays are often a difficult time, and the feelings they bring out can be more than we can handle. Don’t be stubborn. If someone is upset it would be better to set things straight before too much time passes and it festers.
On Saturday November 24th at 8:09 P.M. EST this most spiritual of planets will begin its direct motion after months in retrograde. While it was running backwards much of the ethereal issues were introverted and it was difficult to express certain feelings. Now as it turns around some things that have been lost in the fog will finally come into the light. We all live in the material and the spiritual realms and the more enlightened try to balance between the two with one foot in each world. As we get used to Neptune’s reversal it may be difficult for a few days to keep that equilibrium. Allow your compassion room to express itself and don’t lose sight of your goals. The fogginess Neptune implies might make it difficult to stay on course. This is a good time to show any creative work you have been preparing to the world. While in retrograde many artistic ventures have been primarily active in the unconscious or kept in the background. Now it may be time to let the world decide whether there is a place for it outside of your studio. But keep in mind, art has a life of its own and no matter what anyone thinks of your work it is only their opinion. If someone rejects or criticizes your project that doesn’t mean they are right. Someone else may find great talent and comfort in what you’re doing. Remember, the Beatles were turned down my a dozen record companies before finally getting their deal. I’ve often wondered what those record executives who passed on the band felt as the years went by. J
On Monday November 26th at 1:34 A.M. EST this most optimistic and outgoing aspect will complete. This is a few days when we will all be sociable and active. Because Mercury conjuncts Mars today as well, it will be a very active day of conversations and interaction. Relationships of all sorts will be in the forefront and demand our attention. This is a very enthusiastic energy and should be good for relating to each other. But with that Mercury-Mars square active now as well, it would be wise to try and keep things in perspective. If an argument ensues, this Jupiter energy might exacerbate to huge proportions. This is a good day for travel, anything educational or expanding your consciousness in any manner you can. Don’t sit home in front of your computer. Get out and see what the world has to offer.
Also on Monday November 26th at 3:06 A.M. EST this forceful conjunct will coincide with the Sun conjunct Jupiter mentioned above. You need to use some care today and tomorrow. This combination can lead to arguments and unfiltered communication. It’s easy to be drawn into disputes that you may not even care about. But this energy is feisty and argumentative, so be careful. Because of the Sun conjunct Mercury mentioned below we will have Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and the Sun square Mars in a few days. It will be a few weeks of high energy and possibly a lot of conflict. Don’t waste your time on frivolous disputes. If something is worth fighting about, then there will be enough force to see it through. But if it’s a useless issue that is just based on egos gone wild, you would be wise to walk away and find a positive outlet for the energy. This square will demand that we all pay attention to how we’re feeling, and to put this excessive force where it will either be productive or, at the least, won’t be destructive.
On Tuesday November 27th at 4:15 A.M. EST this conjunct will expand the Jupiter energy we have already been under. The Sun was conjunct Jupiter yesterday and Mercury will conjunct it tomorrow. So we cannot separate this energy, it’s really of a piece and represents three days of expansion and activity. Thoughts, ideas, conversations and all forms of communication are important. You need to pay attention because there will be so much input it may be hard to juggle it all. People will be willful and assertive, so don’t waste time on useless disagreements. Focus on the most important issues and discussions, and get things out into the open where they can be analyzed and improved upon.
Also on Tuesday November 27th at 5:27 P.M. EST we will all have a lot to say. The pace of information coming at us all will be intense and may be more than we can handle. I would suggest that you try to slow things down or at the very least not make any permanent decisions or plans. They may seem perfectly fine on paper, but when you try to implement them you could discover that the amount of energy and resources it will take to make them a reality might be impossible to achieve. It’s very possible to overdo things and to miss details. Jupiter is interested in the bigger picture and isn’t all that good with the little things. This is an outgoing and optimistic energy, and most of us will be chatty and wish to engage in pleasantries. Just try not to let things get out of control. Whatever the conversation is, it will certainly be tempting to expand it, possibly with half-truths and promises that may be hard to fulfill. This is a great day for travel and you should at least take a long walk or a drive somewhere pleasing.
On Friday November 30th at 9:12 P.M. EST we will all be looking for new and exciting adventures. This isn’t a day to sit in front of a computer or follow your usual routine. You will be bored and feel anxious. Look for something unusual. This may be a hard aspect for some relationships, and if there are issues that haven’t been brought out into the open you might not be able to prevent it. If something has outlived its purpose, it may end now. If it’s just a matter of things having become dull you could rejuvenate the connection by trying something new. Relationships will demand a different perspective and if you can open your mind and heart to seeing it from a new direction you may bring life into it anew. At the very least you should use this to seek out people, ideas, or entertainment that will be stimulating and excite you. Try a new cuisine, type of music or any other exploration that can open your consciousness.
On Saturday December 1st as 6:12 A.M. EST Mercury retrogrades back into Scorpio and things could get a bit dicey. Where we have all been pretty open and direct while Mercury was traveling through Sagittarius, here there is a tendency to want to keep things close to the vest. You may find that people are less apt to express themselves in an open manner. Secrets will be hidden, but they also may be revealed, especially in uncomfortable and unexpected ways. Scorpio likes to hide things, but the real power behind its ruler, Pluto, is the ability to expose the hidden and reach deeply to find an explanation and resolution. So be prepared to uncover what’s in the undercurrent. And don’t let people hide their true feelings behind a façade of false pleasantries. With Venus also entering Scorpio later today we are about to go through an intense period in relationships of all sorts. Stay alert.
On Sunday December 2nd at 12:02 P.M. EST Venus joins Mercury in this Pluto & Mars controlled sign and the results may be difficult. When Venus or Mars is in the sign the other rules there is an underlying force that may conflict with our usual style of interacting. You might find that relationship issues are more intense and there is an ego drive behind how we relate to each other. People will be more assertive and demanding, so try not to act too aggressively. This placement will bring a number of issues and secrets into the open. They may not all be pleasant, but it’s better to know what’s going on than to act on incomplete information. Many relationships will take on a rather powerful energy and you may get into a spat or two. As long as you’re honest and direct, and don’t allow hidden agendas to control things this can be a positive time. But be ready as the force behind this transit will be intense, delving and relentless.
Also on Sunday December 2nd at 7:35 P.M. EST this very feisty and energetic square will create an atmosphere that could easily become a problem. Many people will be angry and looking for a fight. If you step into the fray you could get into a battle that isn’t really your problem. Try not to let others push you into their issues. If there’s something that’s important enough for you to engage in, you will know it. If not, walk away. Remember that even if you are handling this well, the other person may not be. This is a fight between the will and the ego, and there are few boundaries or limitations, so do use caution. It’s easy to get caught up in a dispute and not find an easy way out. Don’t let your ego run things or you will be sorry. Be especially careful while traveling.
On Wednesday December 5th at 5:22 P.M. EST this most confusing and distracting square will make it difficult to see reality. You shouldn’t assume that what you’re dealing with is as real as you think. This is often a very low energy day, and if it sets off your chart you may feel rundown and lethargic. Don’t take it too seriously. If there really is something wrong with you, you will know after this passes. But if it’s just a passing mood and a few hours of tiredness it will soon pass. Mercury is stationary now and its energy is repressed, so don’t expect things to move very fast or in a clear direction. Take your time and wait. If you feel a bit rundown it’s just the combination of energies we are under. This is often a very bad day in the stock markets.
On Thursday December 6th at 4:22 P.M. EST right before the New Moon Mercury turns around. This coming New Moon will be very powerful. Not only is it a Sag Moon, which tends to think in big and boundless terms, but with Mercury going direct now as well we are about to see things move very quickly. Use caution for a few days as we get used to the redirection of Mercury. While it is changing direction is often when mistakes and misunderstanding occur. Be careful while traveling, and reread that email before you send it out. You might hit the wrong button and send it to someone you hadn’t meant to. It might also be wise to install a breathalyzer on your computer so you can’t hit “send” after two glasses of wine.
Mercury is in Scorpio until December 12th at 6:43 P.M. EST, so for a few days there may be a lot of issues still lurking in the shadows. Once it enters Sagittarius many of these things will come pouring out as we all try to express the truth, as we see it. If you need a new computer, cell phone, car or yacht it would be okay to purchase it. But personally I would wait until Mercury enters Sag if at all possible.
The next New Moon falls on Friday December 7th at 2:20 A.M. EDT at 15 degrees Sagittarius 7 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
November 8th 5:42 A.M. – 1:59 P.M.
November 10th 10:35 P.M. – 10:55 P.M.
November 13th 10:13 A.M. – 10:45 A.M.
November 15th 10:58 P.M. – 11:41 P.M.
November 18th 3:04 A.M. – 11:56 A.M.
November 20th 5:46 P.M. – 6:43 P.M.
November 22nd 4:58 A.M. – 11:10 P.M.
November 25th 12:31 A.M. – 1:38 A.M.
November 27th 2:22 A.M. – 3:35 A.M.
November 29th 4:46 A.M. – 6:08 A.M.
December 1st 9:34 A.M. – 9:49 A.M.
December 3rd 1:16 P.M. – 2:55 P.M.
December 5th 4:53 P.M. – 9:49 P.M.
December 8th 5:00 A.M. – 7:01 A.M.
December 10th 4:27 P.M. – 6:39 P.M.
December 13th 5:20 A.M. – 7:40 A.M.
November 2018
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