Jupiter enters Sagittarius

Jupiter enters Sagittarius


On Thursday November 8th at 7:38 A.M. EST this giant planet that Native Americans called “the second Sun” comes home to the sign it rules for the first time in 12 years. This is an important transit that will redirect our sense of growth and expansion. It is an optimistic transit that will bring much enthusiasm to us personally and on a collective level. But it also could easily blow some things totally out of proportion. How it manifests has much to do with our ability to create sensible and productive boundaries. Look back 12 years and see how things were going in your life and on the world’s stage. While it’s tempting to assume that the same results will occur, that’s an over-simplification of how astrology works. For one thing, neither you nor the world is the same as you were the last time Jupiter entered this sign. We have changed, evolved and while this transit will result in a strong sense of growth and an outgoing and gregarious attitude, the ways that we use this force will depend a great deal on how we see things and what path we are on.


Our species has an underlying belief that the only way to determine advancement is through growth and expansion, and nowhere is that clearer than in America. We have a world economic philosophy that measures how much more we have sold, consumed and used up since the last time we added it all up. If a corporation has sold less cell phone, computers, cars, hotel rooms, or carrots it’s deemed to be heading into trouble. But what about the soul, animals, clean air, trees? What about those things that are finite and cannot be measured in units, but must instead be felt as personal development, knowledge or even relaxation and compassion? How do we decide what growth has occurred in the ethereal plane? While Sagittarius and its ruler, Jupiter are all about expansion and physically enlarging whatever it comes in contact with, we also give this sign and planet governorship over philosophy, education and higher mindedness. There is a dichotomy, a contradiction built right into the definition of this energy. We exist on several planes at once. One of the reasons I have always believed that America has a Sagittarius Ascendant is our collective belief in the growth of our nation “as large as the landmass will allow” a concept called “Manifest Destiny”, apparently first phrased in print in The Democratic Review by Editor John O’Sullivan in 1845. It quickly became a catch phrase for our rapidly expanding country and has been an underlying theme ever since. There is only one sign of the zodiac that would even think this way and would represent the Ascendant, or physical body of the entity, and that sign is Sagittarius.


Jupiter also rules the law. When it was in Scorpio many issues of legality and definition of rights and boundaries were hidden and underhanded. The hope is that now as this planet enters perhaps the most outspoken and open minded sign we will see these issues come to light and be presented to the public. There will be a transparency that has been missing for some time and many issues regarding the courts and interpretation of our laws will be accessible to the public. We can only pray that this will result in a more direct and clear presentation of the legitimate battles that are about to ensue in our government. But remember, Jupiter and Sag can easily blow things out or proportion and while they may be more accessible, there may also be an escalation of legal problems that force our reinterpretation of the laws that govern us. I believe this transit will result in the showdown between this administration and our constitution that many of us have been expecting. One result may be a change in power as a result of recounts in several states. I am optimistic that it will expose the truth. But it will not be pretty. Be prepared.