Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon

The New Moon falls on Wednesday November 7th at 11:02 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Scorpio 11 minutes. Scorpio is known as the transformative sign. It is ruled by Pluto (and co-ruled by Mars) and one of the greatest strengths of this fixed water sign is its ability to dig deeply into any subject and uncover what is buried or hidden. We are at a watershed moment in the world’s history. Yesterday’s election was the most important mid-term in a century with more people voting than have ever in such a contest. And while both sides of the aisle have some reason for celebration, neither is completely satisfied with the outcome. The results will set our direction in fundamental and powerful ways, and put our nation and the world on a path that will not alter much for the next two years. The internal power struggle in America has deepened because of that election, and we will see the results intensify as we approach the great alignment of 2020. Pluto is the force that removes waste, cleans out infections and exposes much that has been kept in the shadows. Every year at about this time we experience this New Moon, but this year the stakes couldn’t be higher. America is racing towards our Pluto return, as many of you know, when Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will transit through Capricorn and set off sensitive points in our nation’s chart, and each in time will conjunct our nation’s Pluto. While that period is still some time away, this mid-term election that occurred on the Scorpio Dark of the Moon will be seen as a moment of redirection and a build-up of power that will be unleashed in the coming year. The battle for supremacy in our government and our country is about to become even more disturbing, vitriol and divisive. I wish that weren’t so, and that the election could have had a healing effect, but it’s important that we see what’s coming and prepare in advance. I have some hope that because this is a Scorpio New Moon perhaps we can find positive ways of aiming our collective energy and figure out places where we can agree and set us on a path of soothing compromise. I can only cross my fingers and hope. But already the signs point in another direction. The first thing that Mr. Trump did after the elections was fire Jeff Sessions so there would not be any protection for Mueller’s ongoing probe.
On a personal level this New Moon will have a more positive and useful purpose. It is offering us a chance to make some changes, and to redirect our energy where it can do the most good. Superficial responses to your queries will be rejected. Nothing short of a delving honest consideration will suffice when Scorpio is involved. This is a time to view things in an open and revealing way and to make any changes that will help us in the coming months. In your life, try to use this to your advantage and seek out new information and ways to redirect your efforts in a transformative way. Don’t be afraid to face any issues that have to do with change. Most of us do not like to alter our path unless we are in serious trouble. But it is so much easier to make changes when the wind is at your back and you don’t have to fight to move forward. Be enthusiastic and look towards the future. Enthusiastic Jupiter is about to enter Sagittarius, the sign that it rules for the next year, and that should give us all a sense of hope and the potential for expansion and optimism. Be hopeful. There is a purpose for everything we experience.