Venus opposes Uranus

Venus opposes Uranus


On Wednesday October 31st at 4:45 A.M. EDT this derisive square will create an atmosphere of uncertainty and erratic feelings, especially in personal affairs. While some may discover an exciting connection that is radically different from their usual relationships, and may explore what could be an adventurous moment of discovery and new feelings, others may see a rift being torn in what they thought was a stable link with a friend or significant other. Because Venus is in retrograde now, this may have a deeper effect than usual. For a few days leading up to this opposition be careful how you interact. It’s very easy to say something that you didn’t realize would have as powerful an effect on the other person and you may create a fissure that will be difficult to heal. This passes quickly, but as with many astrological aspects that involve the outer planets it might represent a single moment that has long lasting repercussions. Try not to let your emotions control you. If you are in a position where that might happen, if possible, let things go for the time being and revisit them later when the energy is less upsetting.


This may be a very volatile moment for the equity markets. Venus rules money and has much to do with how we see it both individually and collectively. And because of Uranus’ tendency to disrupt whatever is going on there may be some news that sets off a major change in the economy. While it could be positive or negative, usually this combination is upsetting rather than invigorating. Use caution in your personal relationships, and in your investments. Venus will oppose Uranus again on November 30th in the cardinal signs, and what happens today will be a harbinger of what to expect in a month.

I have this opposition in my Natal Chart, so I’m going to pretend that means I’ll feel like I’m in familiar territory–but I’ll head the warnings. 🙂