Mercury enters Sagittarius

Mercury enters Sagittarius


On Wednesday October 31st at 12:39 A.M. EDT until December 1st at 6:12 A.M. EST Mercury travels through this Jupiter ruled sign. This is a very optimistic and enthusiastic energy and you can use it to your advantage in a number of ways, but it comes with a warning we should all pay heed to. While the winged god is rambling in this mutable fire sign it’s very easy to overdo things. You may try to do too much at once, or take on too many commitments. Many of us will have the desire to expand our consciousness in any of a number of ways. But Sagittarius doesn’t have a clear sense of boundaries and can push things beyond the normal limits. It does tend to be an honest and direct sign, and you will find that most people are saying exactly what’s on their minds, which can be a very positive thing. But there isn’t the usual filtering that most of us use in our communications. As such, it’s possible to offend someone or to say things that perhaps would be better off left unsaid. Use some common sense and try to think before you speak. As they say, you can’t unsay something. But if you pay attention and avoid that potential pitfall this will be a very growth oriented and positive month. Anything that is educational and brings you new information will be quite satisfying. This is a very expansive transit and while Mercury is rambling through this mutable fire sign we will all be seeking new and growth oriented ideas and information. Use this transit for that purpose and you will experience its great potential. Travel is favored, as it is a very good way to get new input, and any trip you take will expand your consciousness and teach you something.