This month’s lunar peak occurs on Wednesday October 24th at 12:45 P.M. EDT at 1 degree Taurus 13 minutes. Uranus is in conjunct to this Full Moon, creating a powerful atmosphere and requiring caution and close consideration in all matters. I cannot over-emphasize just how important this aspect is and that we all must be careful in how we react to the circumstances and situations that arise. This is not a time to act frivolously or to shrug off the intensity this can produce. It’s a time to focus our attention on the most important things and to take time making decisions.

            Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is in retrograde at the moment. Venus rules relationships and has much to do with our most intimate connections. This is a moment when relationship issues will come to a head. Some will expand, possibly in an unexpected and surprising way. If there are underlying problems in a bond this may bring them out into the open in a volatile or fiery encounter, so be careful how you interact. You could easily set off an argument or bring out some hidden feelings that may have no place to rest.

This sign rules the 2nd house of money, and with this Full Moon in conjunct to erratic and explosive Uranus I wouldn’t be surprised by an event in the financial markets. Often when Uranus is in opposition to the Sun there will be a major reversal or a powerful day in the stocks, but when it is involved with the Taurus Full Moon anything can happen. We have been seeing much volatility in the equities already over the past few weeks, and this may be a peak of some sort. I’ve expected the stock markets to start to show weakness, which they are as a result of the underlying issues, including the tariffs, rising interest rates and vastly accruing debt, and while I still believe that the major problems will begin in the spring, this may be a harbinger of what’s to come. If, as I think, they will drop they may take out support and rest at the bottom of the trading range until after Election Day and beyond. There is so much uncertainty in our nation, and so much is riding on this coming election that we are all sitting on the edge waiting. Let’s see what that uncertainty creates.

In your personal life you must use caution. As I said, this could easily play out in your intimate relationships and close friendships. A misplaced word or misunderstanding might be blown out of proportion, so pay heed to what you say and how you say it. Most of us will not experience any serious problems, but the energy in the atmosphere is intense and volatile and it could be very disruptive.

If this hits any sensitive point in your chart you could inadvertently act out, or walk into an explosive situation that may have severe consequences. There may be some violent situations on the world stage. I’m watching the “caravan of refugees” traveling through Mexico. This is a dangerous situation that involves some of the most vulnerable souls, and they could easily become pawns in a larger battle. The Middle East is, as always a potential hot spot. And any number of circumstances could explode into a major issue. I hope none of these situations blow up. Fingers are crossed. Pay attention.

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