Sun Opposes Uranus

Sun Opposes Uranus


Also on Tuesday October 23rd at 6:46 P.M. EDT this opposition sets up a few days of erratic energy and the potential for explosive events and interactions. This certainly requires our attention and care. This is not a good day to rush into things, although that is exactly what Uranus seems to want. The suddenness and unpredictability of this planet can make you jumpy and feel that if you don’t act right now you will miss an opportunity. That’s possible, and there are times when reacting is better than thinking something to death. But often under this energy we rush to judgment and that can lead to serious complications. Use caution and take your time. If something requires a sudden decision you will certainly be able to make it. Just be sure that you’re paying attention to the entire situation and not just acting out in haste. The Full Moon tomorrow will add a lot of fuel to this energy, so be careful this week. This is often a volatile day in the stock markets.