Sun enters Scorpio

Sun enters Scorpio


On Tuesday October 23rd at 7:23 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed water sign and the underlying energy will start to change. Where Libra, the previous sign, tends to be outgoing and gregarious Scorpios can be secretive and hold back their thoughts and feelings. But this energy is often misunderstood. It’s really all about rejuvenation. This sign controls the 8th house that, among other things, we say rules death and rebirth, as well as sex (obviously one important component of birth). Without Scorpio energy we wouldn’t easily recover from illnesses, operations, or emotional trauma. This is the part of us all that can regain our strength and faith after life has beaten us up. And this part of the year is a good time to examine what is and isn’t working out. If something has been removed from your life it may be time to let it go emotionally. By the same token if something seems to have withered but is starting to show some new growth it may be worth the risk of trying to prod little more out of it, perhaps one more flower from an aging orchid, or one last song from a tired writer. It’s not always easy to know just which the situation demands. If you look deeply into your heart, as this sign and its ruler, Pluto, expect, you will know how to proceed.