New Moon

New Moon


The New Moon falls on Monday October 8th at 11:47 P.M. EDT at 15 degrees Libra 48 minutes. This is the sign most associated with marriage and all partnerships. It is represented by the scales of justice, and balance is frequently used to define its energy. Libra and the corresponding 7th house rules the lower courts and as such has much to do with our sense of fair play and day-to-day decisions. Marriage and many other close partnerships are really contracts and can be considered legal matters as well, and that’s why the 7th house is the ruler of those kinds of relationships. This is a month when many people think about their intimate connections and often cuddle in anticipation of the coming winter. Of course most of us don’t live in huts any longer, but the mythology is still there. You may be thinking about connecting with someone now, or perhaps just reviewing the decisions you made in the past. In any case, this is a time to consider what you want and need from another person, whether or not you are able to achieve the intimacy. It can be a very fulfilling time, or one seeped in sadness depending upon how successfully you can fulfill your needs and desires. Libra is a very misunderstood sign in astrology. Many people consider it a passive energy, but it is anything but. It’s more of a passive-aggressive force and it will push very hard to get what it needs. Many people will act that way and demand a path to fulfill what is lacking in their lives. This can be a lonely sign for those who are single and wish to in a relationship. But even if you can’t find that special someone, perhaps the energy around you will teach you how and why you are preventing someone the entrance into your life. I wish us all great love and companionship. If you can’t find that, then I wish you solace within and a shared life with good friends. Love comes in many forms. Open your arms and welcome it.