Venus retrograde

Venus retrograde


On Friday October 5th at 3:05 P.M. EDT until November 16th at 15:50 A.M. EST Venus begins its backward trek. Much is written about this transit. As with all important aspects this will affect us on a personal and a collective level. It has a strong effect on relationships and financial matters, and often coincides with breakups and reversals in monetary issues. This will not necessarily create problems in a personal connection. Astrology doesn’t work that way. But if there already are underlying concerns in a relationship they may very likely come to the surface over the coming 6 weeks. Look at your own chart and see in what house this is occurring and what aspects it’s setting off. Then look at your closest relationships and try to honestly view them and see if there are some things that you have been avoiding. If so, you should at least spend some time thinking them over. If you decide to act on them, or if the other person does, then be direct and open about them. You can’t hide under a retrograde planet. But you can internalize the issues. So even if you don’t discuss them openly you need to have that inner conversation or you will regret not doing so in the near future.


This is often a time of reversals in the stock markets and broader financial institutions. The stock markets dropped quite a bit on October 4th and it looks like there will be follow through on the down side. What happens when Venus retrogrades is that we become aware of underlying problems in the money markets and the results are felt on the surface. We are in a severe debt-driven market that most likely will eventually collapse the stocks. Those of you who follow my writings know that I anticipate a major problem starting in 2019. While I don’t believe that collapse is imminent it is getting closer. What happens over the coming few weeks while Venus is Rx will be a harbinger of what it to come over the next few years. Pay attention to the activities and what is setting them off. Interest rates are beginning to climb and that will have a serious effect on mortgages, credit cards, retail sales and savings accounts. Also, because the mid-term elections occur during this retrograde, financial issues will play a larger than usual role in the outcome.