Mercury square Pluto

Mercury square Pluto


On Tuesday October 2nd at 8:01 P.M. EDT we will all be delving deeply into any subject that arises. This can be an argumentative energy and you may find that people are unbending and have very strong opinions. Try to avoid unnecessary disputes and don’t take everything that is said to heart. If you use this force in a positive and proactive manner you can bring many things to the surface and flush out a lot of buried problems. With Pluto just having turned direct this square may bring up a lot of issues that have been collecting in your unconscious. Look at them honestly and without fear and you may discover something about yourself or how you are living your life that is in need of change. That’s a positive thing no matter how uncomfortable it may make you feel.


This is also true for the collective. We are seeing the results of several serious political battles that will come to a head in the near future. This square is forcing some of these out into the open where they will be diagnosed. Will it make a difference? Well, that’s the real question. Sometimes people are so set in their opinions that nothing will change their minds. And at the moment that seems to define much of America. Tribalism is strong and unbending. Perception is very powerful and changing minds difficult. This square at least forces us to look at situations in an unflinching manner. Will it change many minds? I don’t know. But maybe, if we can embrace the depth to which Pluto wants us to reach, it may begin the process of healing our nation so desperately needs. Pluto’s recent reversal offers us the chance to expunge infection, waste and close-mindedness. All we can do is try.

Thank you
Absolutely right time to look in the mirror and take stock of self. confirmation forward thanks