Pluto Direct

Pluto Direct


On Sunday September 30th at 10:01 P.M. EDT the underlying energy of the world will begin to change in a subtle but important way. Pluto works mainly in the subconscious. In mythology it rules the underworld. In psychology it rules the unconscious. With so much happening in the world and with the mid-term elections just around the corner many people, both in politics and not, are being challenged to examine their personal perspective and to act accordingly.

The reversal of any planet moves our society in powerful ways. With Pluto turning around many issues that have been buried and unspoken will come to the surface now. You can expect to hear some rather surprising things and to be asked to make decisions that are quite deep and difficult. If you examine them you will see that they have been in question for months, and now they are demanding your attention. Don’t be afraid to look within. There is nothing inside of you that is bad or wrong, only at times misdirected. If you face yourself honestly you may be able to aim your attention and your energy into a more positive and growth-oriented path. This planet will not let things remain hidden. It is capable of stripping away all of the layers that exist between your conscious thoughts and the truth, whatever that may be. The only time one should fear Pluto is if you are not facing your inner conversation and trying to prevent your real feelings from coming out. Then you may feel at odds with the world around you. If Pluto is currently affecting your chart by transit or solar direction you may find this a difficulty period as you get used to the reversal of energy. It is relentless and not at all warm and fuzzy.


Pluto also rules sex, death and the collective wealth. These issues are certainly coming to light more and more. The Kavanagh hearings are forcing us all to examine sexual conduct in the light of day. When you have someone about to take a lifetime seat on the highest court in the land it requires a much deeper examination than we have had. Unfortunately one party has absolutely no desire to find common ground that would please the majority of Americans. The issues that will be decided by that court over the coming years will include women’s rights, health care, rights for the aging, and how that collective wealth will be distributed. America, as most of you know, is preparing for its Pluto Return. While it is still several years away from completion our society is already feeling the effects. And today’s hearings are just a whisper of what’s to come. Take a deep breath and embrace your friends and family. As the chasm between the two parties grows ever wider you will be grateful for their support and comfort. And be prepared for the fight that will also grow in magnitude and incivility. Call it what you will – planet or not – but one thing we all know for certain. Pluto can sure be hard to handle.