ISSUE # 231
September-October 2018
For the past 2 years in this newsletter, on Coast to Coast and in lectures I’ve been warning that Bitcoins is a scam, a bubble that was just waiting to burst. Well this past summer it did – losing about 75% of its value. It was acting like a bubble almost since its inception drawing in new investors as the price continued to rise and the initial investors took profits, and now has proven itself to be just that. In my years trading commodities, I saw many such situations. I watched the dot com companies rise in price from a few cents to a hundred dollars a share on nothing but a name, only to see the entire house of cards collapse losing billions of dollars virtually overnight and wiping out the investments of those who could not see the signs or refused to take a profit and run once the bottom began to fall out. If something is too good to be true it usually is just that. Now the indicators both astrologically and financially is that the stock markets are getting prime for another crash, this time without the governmental stability to bring them out of a crisis that we had in 2008-10. Markets across the globe are collapsing, including Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela, etc. We are all interconnected, no matter what the “America Alone” administration would have you believe. I urge caution and common sense. If you want to be invested because you believe there is still growth, then put some money into cash on the sideline. Not only would you be protecting your bottom line, but if I’m right and there is a severe dip over the next 2 years, but you would have resources to buy some more secure stocks at a bargain price. If everything is in the markets and they begin to fall precipitously you may have to join the panic rush to get out at a very inopportune time.
Oh, what a time it is. There have only been a few times in my lifetime when so much was at stake. We’re on the verge of radical changes in our society that cannot be overstated. The majority of Americans do not share the Republican’s perspective on many issues, including abortion rights, union and worker’s rights, gay and gender rights, environmental decisions and so many others. The horror that will be the Supreme Court if Brett Kavanagh is confirmed will haunt this nation for a generation to come and push the agenda so far to the right no matter who is elected in the coming years. That will be the legacy of the Trump presidency even if it continues to deteriorate.
The mid-term elections will move the needle radically one way or another. If the Republicans keep control of the both houses we can expect them to energize their agenda. If the Democrats win either or both houses there will be a sharp and severe snap-back effect that will create a huge vacuum that must be filled. We will not be in this place in 2 months. We will be either left or right of where we are. So, what can we expect?
Here’s the astrology for Election Day November 6th, 2018.
It is the Dark of the Moon in Scorpio. This is the end of the matter. Scorpio is the most transitional of all the signs. It represents death and rebirth in all things. The Dark of the Moon is the period right before a New Moon when the energy favors endings. It is often a time of completions. I know many times when it has represented the end of life. And I interpret this as the “end of the matter” for Mr. Trump and the Republican Party’s control of our government. The Democrats will have a powerfully strong showing on November 6th. But even if they win the house and the Senate, that will not represent the real end of this era, any more than it will once Trump is out of office (however that occurs). Our nation, and in fact much of the world, is in the throes of a philosophical debate that cuts to the very core of our existence. What are the rights of the individual, how should the world’s resources be divvied up, and where does religion belong in this all-encompassing argument? These are issues that have been bubbling in the undercurrent for generations. So why are they so pertinent and on the surface now?
Astrology is a means of examining the world around us from an impersonal perspective. While many astrologers try not to let their personal feelings and ideals to enter into their interpretation of the aspects and concurrent events, in its purest form it is an art/science that should transcend the personal and when practiced in a detached manner can lead to a clearer understanding than any other form of interpretation I have ever found. Of course, we all allow our feelings to enter into it. I have erred at times that I know was due to my own desires and fears.
America has been the leading nation in most international issues since the end of the Second World War. As such its policies have been a good harbinger of world events and direction. But we are going through our Pluto Return, an aspect no individual will experience. Most of you know that Pluto represents the undercurrent, that which is buried and festering unseen. In mythology it rules the underworld. It also represents the removal of waste. In the body it rules the colon, urethra, sweat glands and even the tear ducts – any way that waste is removed from the body. In a horary chart it can mean the toilet, garbage disposal, trash etc. So, when looking at world events and analyzing what is happening it should be seen as that which is buried in the collective unconscious and which needs to be removed, including any infection, or it will continue to fester.
Our society has a deep-rooted infection. Call it greed, racism, hatred, fear or any other word that suits you – they all mean the same thing. There is something wrong in humanity that has been present since we lived in caves and painted pictures of ourselves and our struggle to survive on the walls of those temporary homes. Until that infection is removed we will continue to slaughter defenseless animals, conquer our neighbors, allow the strongest to take from the weakest, enslave each other, and seek to absolve our actions with transparent excuses.
We are currently in The Era of Capricorn. I have a lecture on the subject available on my website. This is perhaps the most conservative of the 12 zodiac signs and it has led to a period of ultra-conservative elections throughout the world. America is not immune to such energy, and we now have a severe right-wing government that has ignored the wishes of the majority of Americans and pushed through an agenda that may last a generation.
A perfect example is the current Supreme Court nominee. Kavanagh has no right to be considered for this position. He has lied, he is far further to the right than the majority of American’s want, and since the Republicans are basically stealing this 2nd seat on the highest court there is so very much at stake. If he is confirmed it will lead our nation down a path that most do not want, and many don’t even understand. The results of this confirmation will be felt for many, many years not only in America but throughout the world as decisions involving human rights, labor rights, animal, environmental and trade policies will alter our planet in ways we can only imagine.
I believe that people do not like to change, and unless their backs are against the wall they will bury their heads in the sand and ignore what is happening around them. Our backs are against the wall now, and we are FINALLY getting off our collective asses and trying to figure out how we can alter this path before it becomes unchangeable.
The New Moon falls on Sunday September 9th at 2:01 P.M. EDT at 17 degrees Virgo 00 minutes. This New Moon represents a number of things. First of all it will be a moment when a deep examination of the issues is demanded. We will all be forced to view the situations with as clear an eye as possible and pay close attention to the details. Politically this will be a new phase in our nation’s conflict.
On a more personal level this is summer’s last hurrah. On September 22nd the Sun enters Libra a few days before the Full Moon and autumn begins. Make the most of these waning days of summer, fleeting, bittersweet and nostalgic, filled with memories and youthful dreams, no matter what your age. When the Sun was traveling through Leo it was all about the big picture show – strutting and playing, running on the beach, dinning al fresco in the sticky sweaty evenings, and romance, real or imagined. Now we will focus on the details and try in earnest to catch up on the work we ignored while the days were long and hot. It’s time to get back to the obligations and responsibilities. This is why Virgo is known as a picky, critical sign. This is the time of year when school starts and the child in us all gazes out the window remembering with fondness the summer days filled with freedom and abandon now gone. To live a full life, you must give space to all of our needs, including work. So, it’s time to buckle down and fill in the blanks, get your projects moving forward once more and starting to prepare for the coming winter. Bury your nuts (so to speak) and maybe you can start to plan your mid-winter getaway whether it’s to the sunny south or the frozen tundra for skiing and winter fun.
On Monday September 10th at 8:56 P.M. EDT until November 15th at 5:21 P.M. EST Mars will be traveling through this erratic and potentially explosive sign. Aquarius wants innovation. It’s the sign that rules technology and because its ruler, Uranus represents the higher octave of Mercury, it is often called the sign of genius. While this hardly means that all Aquarians are geniuses, the ability for this sign to remove common boundaries and think outside the box shows the potential. With Mars entering this sign we may be able to use its forceful and direct energy for innovations and new ideas. But it will also represent a boldness and unfettered ego force that may result in a number of possible conclusions.
With Mars traveling here for the next two months we will see some issues arise that could represent either great origination revolutionary thought or unbridled volatility with unstable and radical results. We will probably see both. With so many political firestorms brewing obviously we are all waiting for the results of the congressional hearings on the Supreme Court and the upcoming mid-term elections with bated breath. The outcome of both may radically change the direction of our nation for a long time to come. On a personal level this is a time to think things through carefully before acting. But that’s exactly the problem. Mars has no patience, and Aquarius has no sense of normal boundaries. It will be difficult to do, but this is the time to hold back and look things over twice before making important decisions. Once a choice is made Aquarius has a very difficult time reversing its judgment. It is a fixed sign after all. So try to examine all sides of an issue before you come to a conclusion.
On Tuesday September 11th at 8:10 A.M. EDT, this profound anniversary of the World Trade massacre, we will see several positive aspects. I worked at the World Trade Center on the floor of the Mercantile Exchange until that fateful day. I lost many dear friends and clients, my income and my way of life. But I was one of the lucky ones – because of circumstances, or luck I wasn’t there on 9/11. While this date will always weigh heavily on my heart, and my memories, this year this sextile can make us all a bit more optimistic and outgoing and may help create an atmosphere of hope. On a mundane level, this morning would be a good time for any kind of breakfast meeting with a friend or a business associate. Jupiter will sextile Pluto tomorrow, so the Sun will aspect each of those planets today. These are both positive aspects that will allow us to make use of this energy in proactive and useful ways, and it will hopefully aid those who lost so much look more to the future and embrace what can be learned.
Also, on Tuesday September 11th at 11:27 A.M. EDT this deep delving trine will allow us all to reach beneath the surface and explore what lies in the unconscious. Pluto wants to uncover what is buried, and the trines allow us to do so without the usual resistance we can often encounter. This is a good day for any important conversation and for gaining an understanding of what’s been affecting us on both a personal and a collective level. Try to use this energy to face what needs to be examined. You can do so without upsetting things, while still being clear and honest about what should be exposed.
On Wednesday September 12th at 3:37 A.M. EDT this very positive aspect will complete for the last time. This has been an underlying supportive transit that has helped hold up the stock markets and maintain a sense of stability and growth. Now that it is completing, and with the Saturn – Uranus trine also having recently made its last pass, we can expect some deep-rooted changes in our society that will most likely be somewhat disruptive. In the financial world we are seeing instability in the emerging markets, stress from the trade wars America is having and more fragility in our government. There are several Venus aspects completing today that will set off the remains of that Saturn-Uranus trine. Once these pass that energy will wane quickly, and we will lose that supportive undercurrent. We are also seeing the end of the Saturn-Uranus trine that has also helped uphold the foundation. But now they are separating, and we are moving into autumn, a time of change and often great instability in our culture, the stock markets and world events. The coming months will be difficult. Our society is being tested in some very profound ways. With the passing of this sextile and the Saturn-Uranus trine we will be left to our own devises to figure out what path we must take.
Also, on Wednesday September 12th at 5:01 A.M. EDT this opposition will create an erratic feeling in many personal relationships. If you meet someone new now, I would suggest you give the relationship some time to prove its stability. Uranus is a notoriously unstable energy and it can easily create an exciting but wobbly connection that will not prove secure as time goes by. This aspect can bring someone unusual and stimulating into your life, especially if it hits your chart just so. And while you may wish to interact with that person and enjoy the moment, just keep in mind how changeable Uranus can be. This certainly is a day to explore new ideas and seek out adventures of all sorts. I would try not to be stuck to your computer and usual routine but get out and see what the world has to offer. Just don’t make long term commitments or expect longevity. You probably won’t get it and if your goal is to stabilize your life you may be very disappointed. But if you’re willing to jump into the pool for a quick dip, this may be just the energy under which to do so. Venus will sextile Saturn late tonight, and the energy will change as the day moves on. It is possible that what begins as a sudden infatuation may quickly evolve into a more stable contact. This will be true of romance, friendships or business connections. Just keep your eyes open and have patience.
Also on Wednesday September 12th at 11:58 P.M. EDT this aspect will give us all a more realistic approach to relationships of all sorts. With Mercury about to oppose Neptune tomorrow things may not be as clear as you believe. If you are a bit confused don’t rush into anything. This sextile will offer you some patience and help you slow down. Use that energy to your advantage. Don’t rush into things, especially on a personal level. Take your time, and keep in mind that tomorrow’s Mercury-Neptune aspect will create a fog that may be difficult to see through. Important decisions should be delayed until the weekend, if possible.
On Thursday September 13th at 9:32 P.M. EDT this confusing transit may create some problems and it would be smart to keep a close watch on what you’re doing and saying. This can be a difficult aspect for communications of all sorts. You may send an email to the wrong person or misunderstand what someone is saying. Take an extra moment to clarify things and think twice before hitting the “send” button on your email. Neptune rules all drugs and alcohol, so indulge with care. Just remember that some issues will be foggy and you may not be as sure of what’s going on as you think. If you aren’t certain about something let it go for a day or two and then revisit it. The most difficult thing about Neptune transits is that they are so unrealistic that you may be convinced that you are on the right path only to discover soon afterwards that your information was faulty to begin with.
On Saturday September 15th at 10:52 P.M. EDT Mercury will now set off that Pluto – Jupiter sextile. Because these are both positive transits there will be some support this weekend to communications and travel. If you were able to avoid problems a few days ago when Mercury opposed Neptune you will be able to use these transits to advance your ideas and projects. If you had some complications over the past few days these positive two Mercury aspects should allow you to repair the damage and communicate your thoughts clearly and directly. Revisit any issues that still seem foggy and you may be able to clear up any misunderstandings.
On Sunday September 16th at 7:51 A.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic sextile will create an outgoing and energetic atmosphere. This is a good day to express yourself and engage in communications of all sorts. You are open-minded and willing to look at something from a new perspective. This aspect favors travel of all sorts. It’s a good time to begin a long journey, or just a quick jaunt in the car. Any educational projects will go smoothly, and it’s a good time to examine new information or seek a different way of interpreting something. Keep an open mind.
On Tuesday September 18th at 7:00 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive transit will create a tense feeling. You should be careful leading up to it this morning. People may be a bit angry or terse and it will be easy to get into arguments. Mars rules the ego and Uranus has no sense of normal boundaries. The combination may result in a short-tempered attitude that could become overblown. Accidents are also quite possible, so act accordingly. If you’re behind the wheel of a car drive defensibly and understand that even if you’re not feeling anxious or angry the person in the next car may be. This can be a very impatient force so try not to give into it. Be careful, especially with sharp objects. If this sets off your natal chart you will be more susceptible to its effects.
On Thursday September 20th at 9:52 P.M. EDT this common conjunct will make us all a bit more willful and unbending in our attitude. People may be arrogant and pushy, but as with all transits if you’re aware and pay attention you can avoid most difficulties. Try not to me too stubborn. If you feel you are right (and most of us will) find a way of expressing it that isn’t too aggressive or haughty. It’s often more a matter of how we say things than what we say. Your purpose should be to achieve your goals, not prove how pig-headed you can be. This is a good day for short trips, so if you can try to get out of Dodge. Head up into the mountains, take a walk on the beach or just explore your neighborhood. Keep an open mind. There may be some important information being presented to you.
On Friday September 21st at 11:40 P.M. EDT until October 9th at 8:41 P.M. EDT the planet of communication will travel through the cardinal air sign. People will be less likely to argue while Mercury is here, but that doesn’t mean that they are easily swayed. Libra is a passive-aggressive sign with a strong will, as all the cardinal signs have, and while this sign doesn’t like direct conflict and tends to avoid it, there is an underlying fierceness and a strong desire to get things done. Relationship issues will be in the forefront and if there are problems in a close connection they will most likely come to the surface over the coming weeks.
On Saturday September 22nd at 9:55 P.M. EDT we enter autumn. Personally, I always hate to see summer go. The brief few months of sun, surf and fun seem to zip by more quickly with each passing year. I rarely bemoan the passing of winter (though there are those who prefer that season), it’s the memories of adventures, vacations, and especially past summer loves that haunt me in my personal autumn. Libra lives for relationships, and while this doesn’t guarantee that you will find the love of your life, all forms of interconnection between people can fare well as the Sun travels through this 7th sign. Friendships, business partnerships and of course intimate relationships will be in the forefront of our lives. Explore them, embrace them and if you’re lucky enough to find a new friendship or expand an existing one, cherish it. It is good connections with other people that make life tolerable and if someone offers love in any version, accept it for the gift that it is.
On Sunday September 23rd at 12:46 P.M. EDT this difficult and at times dour square will force us all to view things in a realistic and unbending manner. It’s fitting that this square completes just as summer ends. Try to look at the long-term effects of your ideas and projects. Be honest with yourself. If something isn’t working out you would be better off redirecting your energy into something with more potential. Don’t expect people to be terribly peppy or optimistic. This isn’t a good day for an important date or social activity. You may feel that it is a good time for that serious and vital conversation that you’ve been meaning to have. Just remember that Saturn can at times only show the negative side, so don’t take things too seriously. If you do engage in a deep conversation just take it all with a grain of salt. It may be wise to wait a day or so before expressing your feelings, but if you can’t then try not to make things seem so conclusive that you can’t revisit them in the near future. Mercury will trine Mars this evening and that will lighten up the mood quite a bit.
Also, on Sunday September 23rd at 9:30 P.M. EDT this more positive combination will bring much more energy and enthusiasm to communications. If you’ve been feeling down today you should find that your mood improves quite a bit once that Mercury-Saturn square completes and you can now discuss things that may have been difficult to express earlier. This is usually a very chatty energy and you may be prone to speak quickly and without restraint. Say what’s on your mind and be open to new ideas. This precedes the coming Aries Full Moon so there may be quite a bit of energy being emitted. Keep things in perspective but let your mind travel where it will.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Monday September 24th at 10:52 P.M. EDT at 2 degrees Aries 00 minutes. This is the Harvest Moon and represents the start of the process of collecting what had grown. This is, of course, true in agriculture, but most of us aren’t working on farms any longer. However, your life and plans are the fields you sow and reap. This Full Moon will show many of us exactly where we need to work and what should be harvested. Because this is the Aries Full Moon and it completes at 2 degrees, it’s very close to the cardinal axis and may represent the beginning of a new cycle that will complete in about 2 ½ weeks. Also, because it is in Aries there will be a lot of assertiveness in the air and many people will have a strong opinion about what to do and how it should be done. As with all Full Moons you need to respect the fact that the Sun-Moon opposition implies the potential for some conflict. Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, so don’t rush into something without understanding what’s at stake.
On Tuesday September 25th at 7:50 P.M. EDT this low energy aspect will give us all a moment of pause and reflection. Saturn gets a bad rap historically in astrology. It is where we get the name Satan, after all. But in recent years we have learned to embrace this planet and its limitations, and to see it more positively for the focus and necessary limitations it puts upon us. This twice-yearly square often is felt as a restrictive force that can be frustrating, but if you see it as a necessary moment to examine and judge your path and actions, it can be a very useful and positive day. Don’t expect to be very energetic, and don’t take on too many promises or projects. Move slowly and deal with one issue at a time and you will make the most of this. If this square sets off your personal planets you may feel rundown or lethargic. If so, just rest. It will pass quickly. Occasionally this can represent the onset of a minor illness, but only if you are susceptible. No transit makes you sick. It only opens the door for what is already there.
On Sunday September 30th at 10:01 P.M. EDT the underlying energy of the world will change in a subtle but important way. Pluto works in the undercurrent. In mythology it rules the underworld. In psychology it rules the unconscious. With so much happening in the world and with the mid-term elections just around the corner many people, both in politics and not, are being challenged to examine their personal perspective and to act accordingly.
The reversal of any planet moves our society in powerful ways. Many issues that have been buried and unspoken will come to the surface now. You can expect to hear some rather surprising things and to be asked to make decisions that are quite deep and difficult. If you examine them you will see that they have been in question for months, and now they are demanding your attention. Don’t be afraid to look within. There is nothing inside of you that is bad or wrong, only misdirected. If you face yourself honestly you may be able to aim your attention and your energy into a more positive and growth-oriented path.
On Tuesday October 2nd at 8:01 P.M. EDT we will all be delving deeply into any subject that arises. This can be an argumentative energy and you may find that people are unbending and have very strong opinions. Try to avoid unnecessary disputes and don’t take everything that is said to heart. If you use this force in a positive and proactive manner you can bring many things to the surface and flush out a lot of buried problems. With Pluto just having turned direct this square may bring up a lot of issues that have been collecting in your unconscious. Look at them honestly and without fear and you may discover something about yourself or how you are living your life that is in need of change. That’s a positive thing no matter how uncomfortable it may make you feel.
On Friday October 5th at 3:05 P.M. EDT until November 16th at 15:50 A.M. EST Venus begins its backward trek. Much is written about this transit. It has a strong effect on relationships and financial matters, and often coincides with breakups and reversals in monetary issues. This will not create problems in a personal connection. Astrology doesn’t work that way. But if there are underlying concerns they may very likely come to the surface over the coming 6 weeks. Look at your own chart and see in what house this is occurring and what aspects it’s setting off. Then look at your closest relationships and try to honestly view them and see if there are some things that you have been avoiding. If so, you should at least spend some time thinking them over. If you decide to act on them, or if the other person does, then be direct and open about them. You can’t hide under a retrograde planet. But you can internalize the issues. So even if you don’t discuss them openly you need to have that inner conversation, or you will regret not doing so in the near future.
The next New Moon falls on Sunday October 8th at 11:47 A.M. EDT at 15 degrees Libra 48 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete, but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
Please note: In response to requests from readers I have added a few VOC Moons into the next lunar cycle for those who need to make plans before my next newsletter is released.
September 10th 11:12 A.M. – 11:20 A.M.
September 11th 6:57 P.M. – September 12th 2:15 P.M. ***Moon is void 19 hours
September 14th 4:54 A.M. – 8:45 P.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
September 16th 7:15 P.M. – September 17th 7:07 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
September 19th 1:10 P.M. – 7:52 P.M.
September 21st 1:13 P.M. – September 22nd 8:27 A.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
September 24th 1:26 A.M. – 7:04 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
September 26th 6:28 A.M. – September 27th 3:16 A.M. ***Moon is void 21 hours
September 28th 6:36 P.M. – September 29th 9:26 A.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
September 30th 11:38 A.M. – October 1st 2:00 P.M.
October 3rd 4:33 A.M. – 5:12 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
October 5th 7:34 A.M. – 7:19 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
October 7th 10:03 A.M. – 9:10 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
October 9th 4:50 A.M. – October 10th 12:09 A.M.
October 11th 7:12 P.M. – October 12th 5:53 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
October 13th 8:58 P.M. – October 14th 3:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
September 2018
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