August – September 2018
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
Those of you who follow my work know that I’m expecting the stock markets to collapse in 2019 and 2020. Next June 2019, Uranus will conjunct the NYSE Venus. That will be the first serious drop, but not the last. We will see hints of what’s to come starting this fall and the problems will grow through the winter and next spring. The policies of this administration and the issues that are becoming more obvious around the world have set up a clear and present danger. We are living in an era of international interconnection, or globalization that is virtually impossible to sever, no matter what the talking heads may propose. We are all interdependent and the financial markets are affected by what happens all over the world. We live on one tiny planet, and if someone sneezes in China someone in Cleveland says Gesundheit. We can easily see the interdependence in the equity markets. But climate change is the most obvious result of this interaction as record temperatures, insane wildfires, massive storms, and the continuing ruination of the environment have proven. As the planet heats up there will be no place to hide from the effects. But we have an administration and a corrupt EPA that ignores all of this and a president whose ideas and world policies are at least 50 years outdated. All of the advisors and evidence not withstanding they continue to enact strategies that are leading us towards a global crash. Those who know how these things work are horrified as they watch us head closer and faster towards the abyss.
The top of the DOW was reached on January 31st 2018 on the Full Moon eclipse on the so-called Super-moon, in Leo. That was the very apex of the climb up. The following New Moon eclipse on February 15th in Aquarius fell exactly on America’s Moon and began the sideways movement of the equities that I expected, and since then the markets have been volatile, unpredictable and as usual, manipulated. But even with the behind the scenes influence they have not been able to push it to a new high. There are so many problems in the world at the moment that all seem to point towards a serious down turn I doubt that we will be able to avoid it. I have been telling my clients, readers and anyone else who will listen to secure their personal finances and limit their exposure to the stock markets. This is especially true if you are older and will need that money to continue your lifestyle. There is no reason to risk the profits you have made over the past few years in this bull market on a bet where the downside far outweighs the potential upside.
Turkey has a serious financial crisis that is being exacerbated by Trump. While Turkey’s government is hardly a posterchild for democratic advancement, and it is leaning more and more into an inexcusable policy on human rights, it has been a member of NATO for a long time and a place where we park many nuclear weapons. It has also been one of our most important stalwarts against Russian aggression in Eastern Europe, although that may be changing. So of course Trump places huge tariffs on them as their currency is in free-fall, which is adding to the global fears.
The recent tax cuts that has added substantially to our debt, the ludicrous tariffs, the undermining of our alliances and the reversals of many positive and necessary restrictions that were put in place to avoid another crash like we had in 2008 are all pushing us to the edge. There is no rhyme or reason to the current approach to the financial markets. We are seeing the start of serious inflation, the deflated actuality of paychecks, the harm being done to small businesses, and the underlying horror of what’s about to occur in the health industries are all examples of simple-minded and irrational policies being implemented out of hatred and greed. The end result will be a crash that could make the “Great recession” look like a walk in the park. Add to that the most obvious global warming crisis and we are set for a destructive path unseen in human history. Despite all of this I am optimistic that we can find a way towards salvation. It’s up to the populous to decide where our energy will do the most good.
In early September Saturn will trine Uranus for the last time. While this doesn’t complete exactly because of the motion and speed of the orbits of these two planets, it is almost exact from about August 15th until September 10th. I will add a note about this in the body of the newsletter, but you will notice that I don’t give an exact date and time for its completion, as it does not exactly combine. This is a very important aspect. It has been an underlying support to the financial markets and for many issues in our society. Saturn is stability, and Uranus is innovation and change. When they are in good aspect such as now, we have the ability to make changes in a stable and supportive manner. This has been holding up the stock markets and preventing some situations that could become explosive from tipping over into the uncontrollable. I’ve been saying all summer that the markets would move sideways until this aspect completes. Now I’m expecting a downturn in the equities. How bad it will be has much to do with how we as a society approach the problems we face. This administration seems hell-bent on pushing us towards a recession and I don’t see any real solution unless the financial and political powers push back and force a redirection. As it looks now we are heading towards a series of mini-crashes in the next 2 years. As I said above, the first serious actions will be seen in the spring of 2019 when Uranus crosses Venus in the NYSE chart.
Mercury, Mars and Saturn all turn direct this month. Each will change our perspective and we will feel the reversal as it projects the coming redirection we can expect. There will be a major adjustment in energy and focus as we prepare for the end of summer and the inevitable autumn. As each of these personal planets reverses direction we will feel the alterations in our day-to-day lives in ways that may surprise you. We have been dealing with most of the planets in retrograde for several months, and that is a rarity. About 7 % of the population is born with 5 or more Rx planets, and those children born during the past few months will be part of a small minority with a unique attitude and approach to life. They will represent a perspective that should be heard.
The mid-term elections are on most of our minds, and this reversal of planetary motion will be a powerful moment in American history. Election Day falls on the Scorpio Dark of the Moon and I believe it represents an end to the one party rule we have been living under. I think that the Democrats will see a big wave, and the House will turn in their favor, as I’ve been saying for the past year. The Senate is iffier and while I do think there is a huge “blue wave” coming, it may not be sufficient to carry the entire congress. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this coming tsunami did in fact reverse the balance of power completely. We’ll see.
There is a strong sense of anger and frustration in the undercurrent and a good possibility that we will see some violence this year. I don’t think that would surprise many of us, as we’ve already seen examples of that buried anger. I keep hoping for an opening of dialogue between the two sides so we may yet discover common ground and turn this mess into something positive and growth oriented. I’m a romantic by nature and I always root for peace and understanding. You can take the man out of the garden but you can’t take the hippie out of the man. J
The New Moon falls on Saturday August 11th at 5:58 A.M. EDT at 18 degrees Leo 42 minutes. It’s a Solar Eclipse, and a Void Of Course New Moon. This is the third and last eclipse in this series, and certain issues that have been active for the past few months will come to a conclusion now. This is a chance for new beginnings, as all New Moons are, but because it’s an eclipse some issues will have to be let go. It’s only through the pruning process that new growth can occur, so try not to be stubborn. Release that which is struggling to be free and grab hold of what is willing to be embraced. Because this is a Void of Course Moon it may be difficult in some cases to know which is which. There is a disconnection between what is and what will be, and things may not turn out as you planned, but that’s part of the process. Eclipses block out the light and can leave you in the shadows. Walk on your faith and instincts and you won’t veer from your path. Open your heart and stay true to your inner self. That is where you will find your illumination.
The Leo New Moon can be quite powerful. This is a fixed sign and can be very stubborn. But it is a fun loving sign and favors games and romance. We should approach this lunar cycle with an open heart and a desire to enjoy life’s pleasures. Get to the beach, a play, a day trip in the car; kiss someone you’ve always wanted to. Let’s see where it leads. Just try not to be too stubborn, and bend with the prevailing wind. If you’re open to new ideas and willing to take some chances you may be pleasantly surprised at what you discover.
On Sunday August 12th at 10:13 P.M. EDT until September 10th at 8:56 P.M. EDT Mars will once again enter the sign of its exaltation. Because Mars will be retrograde until August 27th it will stay in this sign until it finally reenters Aquarius on September 10th. This planet was in Capricorn from March 17th – May 16th. While a Mars-Saturn hard aspect in the natal chart can imply some difficulty in the expression of the ego and a potential limited flow of energy, there is a strong connection between the two energies. Saturn is exalted in Venus-ruled Libra, and Mars is exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. This shows the powerful need for stability in personal relationships that Saturn produces. If you’re looking for an exciting and unstable affair you stay away from these combinations. But if your desire is for longevity and structure in a relationship you will always do better with a strong Saturn in the comparative or composite charts.
So when Mars travels through Capricorn it is seeking a foundation upon which to secure the energy and aggressiveness associated with the god of war.
On Friday August 18th at 11:36 A.M. EDT communication will take on a more pleasant and easy-going attitude. This is a good day for conversations and for discussing things that may not usually be that easy to express. There’s an airy outlook that can sidestep a lot of difficult issues and you may find that you can smooth over any rough spots that have come up. While this isn’t powerful enough to change the world, or make a bad situation suddenly wonderful, it may be a good first step in improving a relationship or at least clearing the air. This sextile favors all creative endeavors and is very useful for artists and writers of all sorts.
On Sunday August 19th at 12:25 A.M. EDT it’s once again safe to go into the pool. There is a lot written about the “shadow phase” of retrogrades, and if you study it closely you will see that there is much to this concept. When Mercury finally returns to the point that it first began its retrograde motion, (the end of the shadow phase) you will see that some issues are completing and much easier to deal with. And that phase should be respected. But I have found that when you are planning your activities and your projects once Mercury turns around you can get most of your work done. I would push things out now and expect some more delays.
Also on Sunday August 19th at 3:48 A.M. EDT the last pass of this positive trine will complete. This is a very compassionate transit which helps us all reach out to aid our fellow beings. This aspect has been an underlying energy for much of the past year. It’s a spiritual and creative force that has helped our society keep a balance between the physical and the transcendent in a time of great division and anger, and has rejuvenated our faith in ways that may not be obvious but are certainly effective. Now that this is completing we must try to use the lessons this has implied and continue to find ways to express our deeper caring for both the individual and the collective. With this and the Saturn-Uranus trine completing this month we are losing some of the support and stability that has kept things afloat. It will be even more imperative in the coming months that we find ways of settling our differences and finding common ground. Otherwise we risk falling into an abyss of frustration, rage and fear that could lead to a dangerous edge. Keep the faith, believe in our ability to see the truth and reach out to those around you whether you agree with them or not. We are all lonely on this planet and most anger comes from pain and fear, not from hatred.
On Thursday August 23rd at 12:09 A.M. EDT we enter the mutable third of summer when we begin the change in preparation for autumn. This sign has a well-earned reputation of being somewhat picky and critical, but that is because it is concerned with the details and the miniscule parts of our being. There tends to be an obsessive side to this sign. I’m sure that the TV character Monk is a Virgo (no matter when the writers may have placed his birthday). This is a time of year when we begin to say goodbye to many things. It’s really neither summer nor fall, but that grey area in between when the shadows and the days grow shorter. This is a time of change, so look at your life and see just what you wish to alter. It’s a good time to do so and you will be more apt to embrace those changes.
On Saturday August 25th at 12:36 P.M. EDT this extremely positive and useful trine will complete. For the week or so leading up to this aspect we will all be able to make changes and redirect our focus towards innovative and experimental endeavors without the usual resistance we often feel when trying to take a new path. Because of the Saturn-Uranus trine that is completing now, the Sun will also trine Saturn later today. We are close to the Pisces Full Moon, a time of endings and new beginnings, so try to use this energy to redirect your force where it can do you the most good.
Also on Saturday August 25th at 6:07 P.M. EDT this very stable and clear trine will add support to the Sun trine Uranus mentioned above. This is a moment of stability for a few days that may help us make some important decisions. Because the Sun has just entered Virgo as well, beginning a new cycle, you can move things forward in a conscious manner and aim your efforts into new areas. Virgo is a very intellectual sign and wants to see all the details before making up its mind. Use that focusing power and you will see positive ways to express your desires and needs.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Sunday August 26th at 7:56 A.M. EDT at 3 degrees Pisces 12 minutes. All Full Moons deserve our respect and our attention. They have the potential to bring things to a focal point and care is advised. This is the sign most associated with the spiritual side of life. Much of what will come out under this energy has to do with our ethereal and internal dialogue. Underlying health issues that have not been dealt with could come to the surface now and force your attention. It’s the last sign and as such represents endings and a chance for new beginnings. If something has outlived its usefulness it may be best to let it go. But no matter what may end now it should be seen as a cleansing and positive moment. We need to clear out weeds to allow new growth. As we head into the autumn and get closer to the all-important mid-term elections we will face more crossroads and conflicts that will help us define our nation and direct us into the future. I don’t expect any major conflicts under this Full Moon with Saturn in Trine to Uranus. But we are heading into an explosive autumn that could grow into a dangerous period, and what comes out now may give us an indicator of what’s to come.
As I said in the beginning of this newsletter, this aspect does not complete exactly, so there is no date or time for its occurrence. But this is when it comes closest and immediately following the Full Moon seems like a good place to mention it. This has been an underlying support to our financial and cultural activities for the past year. Its completion now implies that there will be less support going forwards. Volatility in many areas can be expected. I believe the stock markets will begin to become very fickle and unpredictable. The rather violent ups and downs we were experiencing a few months ago should return. It may take several weeks or more for this support to dissipate, but we are heading into potentially serious problems in the financials. Once this supportive aspect completes we will have less stability to offset the problems we are heading towards.
Also on Sunday August 26th at 3:18 P.M. EDT we will all be a bit compulsive about relationships. This square can make it difficult to find compromise and there could be some power struggles within ongoing connections, but with a little awareness you can avoid most difficulties. Pluto likes to uncover secrets. If you are honest about what’s going on in the undercurrent of a relationship you will be less likely to be surprised.
On Monday August 27th at 10:05 A.M. EDT Mars finally goes direct after two month in retrograde. This is a welcome change of direction. While Mars is going backwards, many of us feel a reduction in power and enthusiasm. It can be difficult to push forward and there can be a slowdown of many projects and opportunities. There is an underlying lack of energy and many people express tiredness and lethargy. While the turnaround of Mars isn’t going to suddenly make us all energetic and successful, it will increase the feeling that good things are possible and move some projects and ideas towards fruition. I look forward to this reversal of Mars and hope that it will offer us all a chance to make some constructive alterations in our plans.
On Tuesday August 28th at 1:31 A.M. EDT people will be very chatty and ideas will move quickly and without the usual boundaries. Jupiter has no use for limitations, and when Mercury is in square there is a tendency to say what’s on your mind without thinking first. Try to be patient with people. They will respond to this aspect without realizing that they are talking too much and too fast. Take a breath and then filter out what’s important in the conversation. This takes place early in the morning, so it will be felt mostly the night before. If you’re going to be on the road Monday night please use caution. This isn’t exactly an accident prone transit, but things so tend to happen quickly and you may not have time to respond properly. Take your time and don’t be in a hurry to get somewhere. If you have something important to say, make sure you know just what you wish to reveal. With Jupiter’s influence you may let out more than you planned, and that could cause some problems.
On Wednesday September 5th at 10:39 P.M. EDT until September 21st at 11:40 P.M. EDT Mercury enters one of the signs it rules. The winged god does well in this detail loving sign. Conversations will be honest and direct, and you should find that we are all a bit more work oriented. You can get a lot done and will be able to focus your attention for longer periods. There is a tendency to be a bit feisty and it may be hard to let go of the little things. Try not to get stuck in a rut. Sometimes it’s necessary to pay attention to all of the details so you don’t make mistakes. This sign is very good at that. But at other times it may be too limiting and you could miss out on the bigger issues. If you can find balance between the two this will be a very useful time.
On Thursday September 6th at 7:10 A.M. EDT Saturn finally goes direct. This has been a hell of a season with 6 planets in retrograde and three eclipses. There are many issues coming out on the world stage that seem backward in their ultimate goal, and that’s exactly what one would expect with so much retrograde energy. Saturn is the linchpin between the personal and the collective. We call it the planet of karma, but actually I believe that all astrology is about karma. Still, it holds a very special place in our history. When Saturn changes direction either way there are a lot of alterations in the world.
This change of direction will make it easier to put some issues into play. Business and many professional decisions will make more sense now. Career choices will be easier to implement and you should find that Saturn can be the great pruner and often removes things that are no longer valid. That theme of clearing out what is no longer valid runs through this month in many aspects. You will notice that I’ve express that thought a number of times in this newsletter. It is the underlying concept that we are looking for. And as we head towards the mid-term elections it will be the energy that pushes many contests. Those candidates from either party that represent change and openness will have the upper hand.
On Friday September 7th at 3:40 A.M. EDT thoughts and ideas will flow quickly and without restraint. This is a very positive and useful aspect, although it completes in the middle of the night and its exactitude won’t be of much use to many of us. Still, it sets the mood for the day before and after, and will allow us all to explore new and old concepts in a different light. Make changes wherever you see the need and don’t be afraid to make a turn in your path. Uranus wants change, and when it’s in a positive aspect it allows us to do so without upsetting the status quo as much as usual.
Also on Friday September 7th at 8:20 A.M. EDT this stable and somewhat serene trine will take over from the more exuberant and excitable trine to Uranus mentioned above. Because of the Saturn-Uranus trine that is occurring in the sky we can all make necessary changes in a secure and subtle fashion. This aspect will put things in a realistic perspective and allow us all to think things through in a clear and focused manner this morning. Because this is followed later today by the confusing Sun opposite Neptune the energy will change radically once this completes. Don’t let it throw you. Just accept the alteration in mood and work through it.
Also on Friday September 7th at 2:27 P.M. EDT this very confusing and difficult opposition will require our close attention. It’s easy to make mistakes or misunderstand something, so use caution in all communications. Make sure you know what’s going on in personal relationships and business. If you’re not sure, you may be better off waiting until this passes before making any important decisions. The misdirection that Neptune can create is powerful and in its fog can make things seem quite unlike what they really are. When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Clarity will return and it will be easier to make those decisions in a few days. This is often a very bad day for the stocks, and as I am expecting some serious downturns in the markets this could be a time when that occurs.
On Saturday September 9th at 4:39 P.M. EDT the sexes will have a harder time finding common ground. As with all squares, if you use it properly you can work through some very rough spots. It seems that we often need conflict in order to move things forward. This square is very much that type of energy. It should mostly affect personal relationships of all sorts. If you do feel some tension why not just wait until the energy is easier before making decisions or acting out? This square can stimulate interaction between men and women, and that may be sufficient to create relationships. Just know that a connection that begins with this square will have it in the chart of the relationship for as long as it lasts. Conflict isn’t necessarily a deal killer, and in fact many people actually need to have an antagonist to create enough energy for action. If you’re aware of it you may be able to use it to your advantage. Just don’t expect it to be an easy sleazy friendship. Be conscious of what is, and deal with it. It may be just what you need as long as you are aware.
On Sunday September 9th at 5:26 A.M. EDT until October 31st at 3:42 P.M. EDT Venus will spend a long time in this sign due to its retrograde motion beginning October 5th. When the planet of love is in this Pluto ruled sign there is a tendency to compulsiveness and a powerful need to uncover the truth about personal relationships. For the next few months many of us will delve deeply into the undercurrent of our relationships and seek a deeper truth about what we need and want. That can be a very positive and rejuvenating energy if you’re willing to take the plunge. It probably won’t be simple or superficial, but then the best relationships of our lives are often the ones that challenge us the most.
The next New Moon falls on Sunday September 9th at 2:01 P.M. EDT at 17 degrees Virgo 00 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
August 11th 5:58 A.M. – 11:59 P.M.
August 14th 12:37 A.M. – 12:57 A.M.
August 16th 3:56 A.M. – 4:54 A.M.
August 18th 11:07 A.M. – 12:45 P.M.
August 20th 7:47 P.M. – 11:59 P.M.
August 23rd 10:19 A.M. – 12:56 P.M.
August 25th 12:39 A.M. – August 26th 1:32 A.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours
August 28th 9:54 A.M. – 12:35 P.M.
August 30th 7:04 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.
September 2nd 1:56 A.M. – 4:02 A.M.
September 4th 2:37 A.M. – 8:04 A.M.
September 6th 8:43 A.M. – 9:54 A.M.
September 8th 9:31 A.M. – 10:29 A.M.
September 10th 11:12 A.M. – 11:20 A.M.
September 11th 6:57 P.M. – September 12th 2:15 P.M. ***Moon is void 19 hours
September 14th 4:54 A.M. – 8:45 P.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
August 2018
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