Jupiter Goes Direct

Jupiter Goes Direct


On Tuesday July 10th at 1:04 P.M. EDT Jupiter starts moving forward again after months of its backward motion. This is often a time of reversals in many issues. If there’s some project or plan you’ve been trying to achieve it may be easier to move it forward now. Jupiter wants growth, and now that it’s going direct it will project that sense of expansion onto the outside world. Jupiter’s reversal can indicate the equity markets change direction, often moving up, and with Saturn in trine to Uranus now as well I expect some growth in the stock markets. But there are underlying problems that aren’t going away, and even if we do see a new high in the DOW it will be short lived. In the fall when the Saturn – Uranus trine completes the support it has created will begin to unwind. Although the economy is actually doing quite well and moving forward at an accelerated pace, we are heading into a very bad recession that will begin late spring 2019. Watch the events that unfold this summer and you will see the seeds being planted that will come to fruition during the next 12 months.

If you’re planning to travel, especially to a foreign land this would be a good time to begin your journey. But any trip, even a short drive to the beach will be pleasant and expand your consciousness. This is also a good time to teach, or complete a creative project and present it to the world. People will be more open-minded and apt to pay closer attention to what you have to say.

Any legal matters that have been delayed or confounding may be resolved soon. This is especially true if some things have been hidden and unspoken. Jupiter wants truth in all things and it will not tolerate secrets for too long. You could uncover something that seriously changes a legal situation. That could also occur in a personal relationship, so be prepared for an honest and truthful encounter.

On the world stage, the underlying tension that America and the world are experiencing won’t go away now that the planet of optimism and truth begins its forward motion. In fact, just the opposite will happen. We are about to face the consequences of what occurred during the retrograde when Kennedy “suddenly” decided to retire under rather strange and unsettling circumstances. The fact that Trump is naming his replacement for Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court just as Jupiter, ruler of the law is turning around shows just how powerful a moment this is in our history. There are no boundaries to what Trump and his Republican puppets will do to ensure their ongoing control. Trump has no regard for the law when it applies to him, but he will push conservative judges onto the courts and then point to their decisions to support his inhuman, selfish and evil agendas. This is not a moment I have looked forward to, as I often do when Jupiter comes out of retrograde. This is a time when the battle lines will be more clearly defined than they have in generations. What is at stake now is the very soul of America, nothing less. And if we do not stand up for our rights immediately, they will be whittled away until nothing remains but the faint echo of what was a great nation. Remember, the world has always thought of America as “the great experiment”, and that has never been clearer than it is right now. Will we continue to lead the family of nations in our quest for equality and a secure world, or will we succumb to the fear mongering and derisiveness of those who have taken away our power through guile and distraction for their own gain? That ultimately is up to each of us and our resolve to retake what is rightfully ours.

The “uncivil war” has begun. You can see it in news stories taking place all over America. You see it on our southern border as children are forcibly removed from their parents, and when American citizens are threatened because they speak a different language, or wear a T-shirt someone doesn’t approve of. It started in Charlottesville, Virginia and will escalate so fast it will make your head spin. Freedom is never free. You must be willing to fight for it with every breath and every reaction or it will be taken from you. History has proven that time and again. WE CAN NOT LET THAT OCCUR HERE. This isn’t pre-war Germany, or Japan, or Italy. This isn’t Russia, or ancient Rome. THIS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And for 240 years that has meant something special. We must demand that it continues to. Do not rest, do not close your eyes. For when you open them there will be nothing left of the world you revered. Peace and prayers. Mitch.

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I am stunned but not surprised at what’s happening in this country. I am infuriated that the media continually acts perplexed about Trump when they know FULL WELL that the Trump empire depends on Russian Oligarch money! This morning the media are appalled at Trump’s behavior toward our NATO allies yet NONE just say it! Trump is a Russian asset because he and his Criminal Family are beholden to Vladimir Putin! Every Republican politician just stands by and allows this nightmare to happen. We are in for a scary time in this country. Trump IS Treason. It’s unfolding before our eyes yet those with the power to disable this monster ~ Do nothing!

Yes, I am also no longer surprised. All sad but true. If America doesn’t find it’s footing soon it may be too late. Mid-terms are vital. This is the Pluto return we know is coming. It will either clean out the infection or kill the host. I’m hoping for the best.