Mars Retrograde

Mars Retrograde


On Tuesday June 26th at 5:05 P.M. EDT until August 27th at 10:05 A.M. EDT in the sign of Aquarius the god of war begins its backward trek. Because of the close proximity of the earth’s orbit to Mars, this occurs once every 2 years. It’s a powerful transit that often accompanies world events involving military operations and decisions that have a long-term effect on our society. Because this retrograde occurs mostly through the Uranus-ruled sign of Aquarius there may be some explosive and dangerous occurrences this summer. I think we may see some more gun violence, terrorist situations and other problems we have unfortunately become more and more accustomed to. The political situation will continue to be contentious and there could be some very direct and forceful decisions made that stir up great opposition.

At the end of July and into early August Mars will be in square to Uranus, a very dangerous transit. There is a good chance of violence or struggle in the world, and it would be wise on a personal level to avoid dangerous situations. Pick and choose your fights carefully. Many people will respond to this energy negatively, so don’t waste time on useless disputes. With Saturn in trine to Uranus through much of the summer there will be an underlying sense of stability that could help settle down the financial markets, but it isn’t strong enough to prevent explosive moments and that’s what we can expect with a retrograde Mars in conflict to Uranus. That trine completes in September, and some situations that take place this summer in a more stable atmosphere and seem to have been resolved could become explosive once Mars reenters Aquarius in September and once again squares Uranus.

Use caution and keep an eye on your temper. Many people feel quite frustrated while Mars is in retrograde and find it quite difficult to express their ego. This can internalize some anger and they may not even be aware that these feelings are present. Avoid confrontations and make sure the situation is worth arguing about. Pick and choose your battles carefully. Most of us will be looking for confrontation to some extent, so don’t give in to every little agitation.

In personal relationship you can expect some volatility and a desire for action and new perspective. This can be a very exciting aspect, but it isn’t terribly stable. Keep a good perspective on your relationships and don’t be afraid to question someone’s motivation. It’s better to know than not to.