6/5: Busy Day!

6/5: Busy Day!


On Tuesday June 5th at 10:02 P.M. EDT this common aspect completes. We experience this conjunct several times a year, and each time it is a day of some willfulness and a lot of communication. Normally this is a good day for saying what’s on your mind and for focusing on what’s most important, and with it occurring in the sign of Gemini we will be even more chatty than usual. But because the Sun and Mercury will square Neptune over the next few days it may be difficult at times to focus your thoughts, and there will be much confusion. You need to pay close attention to what you’re saying. Because this is closely followed by Venus opposite Pluto some relationship issues will be brought to the surface. That opposition will dig deeply into the subject, and make this energy more intense and not superficial. Allow for the truth to be revealed and don’t be afraid of what comes out. It’s necessary and will help clear the air. Just make sure you are saying what you really mean to or the results could be very messy.


Also on Tuesday June 5th at 10:23 P.M. EDTthis intense and revealing opposition will bring up a lot of things that may have been kept under cover for some time. This aspect will not allow you to circumvent any important issues or glide over them in a superficial way. This isn’t the easiest transit for personal relationships, so be prepared. It will demand that you pay attention to what’s being said and respond in an appropriate manner. If you don’t, there could be unwanted results. Because Mercury and the Sun will be in square to Neptune over the next few days some things could easily be misunderstood. It may be better to let some issues be until better transits appear or the combination may result in misinterpretations and confusion. Don’t be afraid of what may come to the surface now. Hear it and embrace the potential it is offering. The worst thing you can do under any Pluto aspect is to hide or pretend that nothing is being revealed. But as with many Pluto issues you may be apt to overreact and in your zeal to resolve a situation you could irreversibly damage something that is still valid, so make sure this is the right way of handling it and be conscious of what you’re saying. With the added Neptune influence this is especially possible now, so be careful. This combination of transits may also have a powerful effect on financial matters.