5/23 Mercury opposes Jupiter

5/23 Mercury opposes Jupiter

On Wednesday May 23rd at 1:54 A.M. EDT our minds and tongues will be working overtime. People will want to talk, write, text and communicate in any manner available. This is a very sociable aspect and interacting with others will be enjoyable and may produce some very interesting results. But remember that Jupiter has little regard for boundaries or rules. It’s very possible that you may say things you wish you hadn’t, or make promises you may not be able to fulfill. This is the kind of aspect under which you could make too many plans or double book your schedule, so make sure you’re taking everything into account. This is usually a good day for travel as long as you pay attention. It’s also easy to be distracted and make mistakes. This isn’t a good day for negotiating a deal or looking over important documents. Your mind is moving too quickly and you will not be focused on details. It’s great for making big plans and looking at your future in a broad way. It’s the little things that will give you problems down the line. As they say – the devil is in the details, and that is certainly the case today.