May-June 2018
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
We are beginning a period of time when the 2nd house of money and values will be prominent in our consciousness. The New Moon this month is in the fixed earth sign Taurus (the 2nd sign of the zodiac). Uranus is about to enter Taurus (see below) where it will join the Sun and Mercury already transiting there, and Mars will enter the fixed sign Aquarius and then square its ruler, Uranus. This will be a month of upsetting and volatile events. Caution and patience are called for, but unfortunately they may be hard to come by.
Uranus enters Taurus right after the New Moon. This transit will last 7 years. The last time we had Uranus in the fixed earth sign was 1934-42. That was a very volatile period in human history, and I expect this to be equally disruptive in many ways. I am lecturing on this topic in Chicago, New York and other areas, and these lectures will be available through my website
Taurus rules finances and values. In 1933 after his first inauguration F.D.R. began the New Deal, which implemented many laws and policies including the Social Security Administration, Emergency Banking Act and The Fair Labor Standards Act, which set maximum hours and minimum wages for most workers for the first time, to name just a few. These were programs that profoundly changed our society. Now many of those programs are being threatened by an administration and a right-wing Republican Party whose goal is to undo what Roosevelt accomplished more than 80 years ago. That party wasn’t always directed that way. Many Republican presidents shored up the safety net and protected Social Security, Medicare etc. But now our nation has split into two tribes who don’t seem to be able to agree on what color tablecloth to use, let alone what’s for dinner.
Often when a transit returns after some time the results of the earlier transit will be tested to see if they are still valid. Individuals go through this process frequently with the quicker moving planets, and even when Jupiter or Saturn returns to a sensitive point in the chart. I have many clients who have retested some decisions they made 12 years prior when Jupiter was in the same place it currently resides; or a division of Saturn’s transits at 7, 14, 21 or even 28 years when it has created the same aspect again. Their lives have changed and their needs are not the same, so they may respond in a different fashion. But because of the time limits of our lives we rarely have the opportunity to do so with the outer planets, at least in conjunct to that earlier transit. But a nation will. And that is what we are facing now. Uranus is reentering Taurus for the first time in 84 years, and the issues that were resolved from 1934-42 are now once again being debated.
Those of you who follow astrology know that America is also about to experience its Pluto return, something that individuals will never go through, as it takes about 240 years to complete. The combination of these outer planet actions will have a powerful effect on the direction of our country for the future.
The Trump administration’s decision to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem on the Dark of the Moon implies that this will not work out as planned. We are in a very volatile period with explosive undercurrents and whatever your political feelings are regarding this issue, how and when it was done will have a great effect on its outcome.
This ingress of Uranus into Taurus will turn many things on their heads. But it doesn’t imply that thing will be bad, only changed. In fact, some who have been lacking in success and opportunity may find that this opens doors in unexpected areas, and gives them a chance to make positive and productive alterations in their lives. While some who have had abundance may suddenly find that things have changed for them as well, perhaps creating obstacles where they used to have an open path. The one thing that is certain is that things are about to change in radical and unexpected ways. Keep your eyes and ears open. Opportunity sometimes knocks softly.
The New Moon falls on Tuesday May 15th at 7:48 A.M. EDT at 24 degrees Taurus 36 minutes. Taurus controls the 2nd house in astrology. That means that it rules financial issues and values. It is through our 2nd house and its ruler that we identify how the individual relates to these matters and what the underlying value system the person has, what price they put on life’s issues and what significance they give to many subjects. Normally the Taurus New Moon each year is a moment when we all will examine what we consider most valuable and often make some changes to reflect those values. Usually these are slight alterations in how we view things. But today we are experiencing the entrance of Uranus, planet of sudden, unpredictable and radial change, into this fixed earth sign only hours after the New Moon. This is a moment in our individual and collective history that will have profound effects on the direction of our lives. Now the changes will be more radical. Whenever there is an outer planet transit there is usually a faster moving inner planet that acts as the trigger for an event or beginning of a period of action or change. This New Moon will be that trigger. Issues will move quickly and there will be sudden, unexpected and radical changes in our society and our collective values. Some world events will be surprising and we will experience “future shock” as things change in a fundamental and drastically unexpected way.
In our personal lives this is a time to examine your own values and see if they still are valid and suit your present situation and your plans. If changes need to be made it would be best to address them face on and not try to avoid them or pretend that the status quo is just fine. It may be, but it may not be. And it’s up to you to see the truth.
On Tuesday May 15th at 11:23 A.M. EDT this most erratic planet will enter the most stable and unbending of signs for the first time since its last transit here in 1934-42. This transit will herald major changes in our society, and in many of our private lives. Uranus takes 7 years to transit a sign, and this will herald a struggle that will radically ad fundamentally change our culture. When Uranus transited Aries we saw some incredible innovations in our technological world, including self-driving cars, new revolutions in medicine and diagnosis, space travel has gone private and, in anticipation of Uranus’ entry into Taurus, we saw the beginning of new ways of looking at money. More and more stores have stopped taking cash, Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies were invented. We are now talking of which companies will be first to be valued in the “trillions” of dollars. These are only a few of the changes this planet’s transit through the first sign of the zodiac has created. Now it’s entering the 2nd sign, the one that rules money, financial markets and values, these changes will continue and focus more on financial matters.
This ingress of Uranus into Taurus will turn many things on their heads. But it doesn’t imply that thing will be bad, only changed. In fact, some who have been lacking in success and opportunity may find that this opens doors in unexpected areas, and gives them a chance to make positive and productive alterations in their lives. While some who have had abundance may suddenly find that things have changed for them as well, perhaps creating obstacles where they used to have an open path. The one thing that is certain is that things are about to change in radical and unexpected ways. Keep your eyes and ears open. Opportunity sometimes knocks softly.
On Wednesday May 16th at 12:55 A.M. EDT until November 15th at 5:21 P.M. EST Mars will enter this Uranus ruled sign and shortly square Uranus. On a personal level this period will require patience and as much calm as you can muster. Many of us will be prone to excitability and overreacting to minor situations. So please do be careful.
On the world stage this will add another layer of uncertainty to this period. We are at an explosive moment in history when unpredictable and possibly violent events could take place. This is a time to be cautious and avoid dangerous situations. Mars normally lasts about 2 months in a sign, but it will retrograde beginning on June 26th, and will thus remain in Aquarius for an extended period of about 6 months. We are entering a period of serious volatility. One of the results will be a radical change in alliances. We can already see the signs of what’s to come. Trump is purposely alienating most of our historical allies and will continue to do so. It is his nature to upset any existing status quo just for the sake of doing so. His decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, the Iranian nuclear deal and to isolate America has drawn severe disproval from England, Germany, France and most of our partners. Were these agreements perfect? No. There are often flaws and compromises in treaties and contracts, and they can be renegotiated. But Trump is, as you must see by now, a contrarian. If you say black, he says white. It doesn’t matter what he thinks about anything. In fact, he apparently has no idea of what’s in these agreements that he is blowing up, any more than he knows what was in the budget that he signed this past year, how health care works, or any other decisions he makes. As Mars enters this sign and begins its activity here we will see confrontations expand and become more pronounced.
We are quickly heading towards a most unsettling period in American and world politics, and there are hot spots throughout the world that could easily ignite. The Middle East as usual is very volatile. Trump’s decision to put the American embassy in Jerusalem has set off protests, condemnation from much of the world and will most likely have a long term effect on the region. Israel will have Uranus in square to its Moon beginning in 2019. That is a potentially explosive aspect that may lead to further escalation of tension. There are other nations also being affected by these transits as well as the tremendous buildup of Capricorn energy that will last until 2020, But the most prominent nation that is facing upsetting aspects and events in the United States. I just hope that as a nation we can recover our footing and begin down a path of healing.
Also on Wednesday May 16th at 3:03 A.M. EDT this extremely volatile and potentially violent aspect will complete. For a few days leading up to this we will all sense tension and anxiety. It’s in our collective DNA, and many of you who are more sensitive may have difficulty sleeping, relaxing or thinking in a clear manner. Even if you are by nature a serene person, you must use caution. You may walk down the street or be driving and pass someone who is more susceptible to this energy, and he or she may lash out unconsciously, possibly at you. But you can’t live your life in fear. We study astrology to prepare us for what might be, and to take steps to avoid difficulties. That’s how you should plan for this period. Sidestep any confrontations that you can and keep your eyes open.
As with all transits if this is used properly and with control it will be a powerful force that can be focused in productive and positive ways. A lot can be accomplished in a short time, and this energy can vanquish any obstacle standing in your way and create a new path. The question is how you go about making those alterations. Uranus just wants change, and Mars is a means of achieving that change. But be careful not to let your ego control you. Approach this with calm and centering and you will find the most positive way of expressing this.
On Friday May 18th at 12:49 P.M. EDT this logical and attentive aspect will make it easier to communicate, especially about material issues. This is a good day for any important conversation that is reality based. It’s not a great aspect for expressing lover or for reaching into the ethereal and trying to connect with the spiritual side of things. Saturn is only interested in structure and the stability of things. This trine will allow us all to focus on details and to clearly see what’s going on. You can look over documents or converse about something that is of concern. You won’t be distracted and you can aim your attention where it can do the most good.
On Saturday May 19th at 9:11 A.M. until June 13th at 5:54 P.M. EDT love will take on a decidedly emotional tone. Where Venus is transiting tells us much about how to approach romance and friendship. In this sign it’s all about family, the past and deep rooted feelings. If you can convey these emotions you have a good chance of solidifying your connections to others. This month many will prefer to spend time at home in an intimate environment rather than in public or large social activities. Create a sense of family and talk about your deep feelings. You may discover another side of your significant other that you hadn’t known, and it can deepen the relationship. Next month when Venus transits through Leo it will be a better time for adventure, travel and groups. Now the adventure is in discovering the inner self and sharing the most intimate things with each other.
Also on Saturday May 19th at 1:29 P.M. EDT this exciting sextile will allow us to explore new ways of relating to each other. This aspect will give you a chance to try new things. You may be drawn to someone quite different from your usual friend or love interest. You may also be attracted to new forms of music, theatre, food and any other kind of entertainment. Be adventurous and step off the beaten path. You may be very pleased with what you encounter.
On Sunday May 20th at 10:15 P.M. EDT we enter the mutable air sign. Gemini is all about communication, and this month we can delve deeply into our desires and relationships through our power of conversation. The well-known duality of this sign is true. Geminis tend to be easily bored and often will engage in several things at the same time. Some have several computer screens active at once, others have several relationships ongoing. That doesn’t mean that all Geminis are unable to focus on one thing at a time. Many deal with their dual sides by interacting with one person on several levels at once. It also doesn’t mean that we will all be acting like Geminis just because the Sun is in transit here. But there will be a tendency to want to talk things out and the mercurial nervousness associated with this sign will be present. Find ways of directing and releasing this energy and you will use this period constructively. Short journeys will help focus this. Take quick trips like a walk in the park or a drive to the country, and keep your mind active. Boredom is the worst thing you can allow under Gemini energy.
On Wednesday May 23rd at 1:54 A.M. EDT our minds and tongues will be working overtime. People will want to talk, write, text and communicate in any manner available. This is a very sociable aspect and interacting with others will be enjoyable and may produce some very interesting results. But remember that Jupiter has little regard for boundaries or rules. It’s very possible that you may say things you wish you hadn’t, or make promises you may not be able to fulfill. This is the kind of aspect under which you could make too many plans or double book your schedule, so make sure you’re taking everything into account. This is usually a good day for travel as long as you pay attention. It’s also easy to be distracted and make mistakes. This isn’t a good day for negotiating a deal or looking over important documents. Your mind is moving too quickly and you will not be focused on details. It’s great for making big plans and looking at your future in a broad way. It’s the little things that will give you problems down the line. As they say – the devil is in the details, and that is certainly the case today.
Also, on Wednesday May 23rd at 10:39 P.M. EDT this very energetic aspect will give us all a boost of power. Use this trine to your advantage and you should be able to get much done. This is an assertive aspect, but it usually isn’t overly aggressive. This is a chance to affirm your position and it can give you a sense of self-confidence that you can project without being too pushy. It’s a good day for errands, conversations and all interaction. Tonight is a time for socializing. You’ll be peppy and able to get your point across.
On Friday May 25th at 5:49 A.M. EDT this rather spiritual aspect has been an underlying energy in the world for a while. This is the 2nd pass. It will return on August 19th after which we may see a decline in faith and objectivity. But for now there is a sense of hope that things will get better. Use this energy to affirm your own sense of conviction and assuredness. Because of the generous and empathetic energy of these two planets it’s a good time to work in any charitable situation, including helping out a friend in need. You can give more readily and you won’t find that your ego is overly aggressive. This is a very positive aspect for all artists. If you’re working on a creative project that has gotten stuck, you may have a breakthrough and be able to take the work to a new level. Even if you’re not a working artist this is a great few days to engage in any creative work. Listen to some music, see a show or visit a museum. You’ll gain insights and pleasure.
Also on Friday May 25th at 9:36 A.M. EDT this is an opportunity to dig out the truth and expose hidden agendas and any buried anger or frustration. It’s a very positive aspect, but it will also have a deep and powerful effect. Even if something needs to be revealed that doesn’t mean that the aftermath will be pleasant or that the exposed facts will be easy to accept. Still, this is a good time for any serious conversation. You can get to the bottom of things without anger or conflict and you may be able to clean out some psychological infection, which can free you in the long run.
On Saturday May 26th at 2:40 A.M. EDT this dour and difficult aspect will complete. Saturn is restrictive and tends to limit the energy of whatever it is acting upon. Venus is all about pleasure, relationships and money. So for a few days leading up to this transit we may all feel some constraint or delays in expressing our feelings. Don’t be concerned if you feel like spending some time alone. That is often a side effect of Saturn’s energy. It’s a good day to set up a budget or to review your finances and look for ways to contain excessive spending. But it’s not a great day to indulge in shopping, gambling or any other form of unrestricted or unnecessary expenditures. It’s also not a great time for a first date or for an important romantic encounter. Neither of you will be at your best and you could put up walls that will be difficult to circumvent.
On April 29th at 6:03 A.M. EDT we will all be feeling rather realistic and focused. The day or so leading up to this will be good for looking over any work that requires attention to details. It’s a good time to make plans and set up your future activities. This isn’t a very exciting or frivolous energy, if fact it tends to be a bit stubborn and limiting. But because it’s a positive trine you can use it to your advantage and get a lot of work out of the way. Stick to your agenda and take care of the most important business first. This is a positive aspect, but usually not a very energetic or enthusiastic one. With Venus in opposition to Saturn on Saturday and this Sun-Saturn connection today, this is a weekend to take things slowly, get some work done, and enjoy the simple things in life.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday May 29th at 10:20 A.M. EDT at 8 degrees Sagittarius 10 minutes. All Full Moons have the tendency to blow things out of proportion. That’s one reason why they often come with a word of warning. Sagittarius is well known for its ability to expand things beyond the normal boundaries, so use some caution for a day or so leading up to and following this aspect. It will be a sociable time, and most of us will enjoy the company of others. Anything that can expand your consciousness, including travel, communications and educational projects will help enlarge your point of view. Just be careful not to take on too much or you may find that you aren’t capable of completing all of your promises. If you do travel, enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Sag just wants to experience as much as possible, and the time spent in an airport may be as much a learning opportunity as the rest of the excursion.
Because of the intense energy being emitted this month with Uranus changing signs, Mars entering Aquarius, and its square to that planet, there is an underlying sense of trepidation and anxiety that could easily be exacerbated on this Full Moon. America has the planet Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini in its natal chart. This Full Moon falls exactly on that most unpredictable and volatile planet. This may be a few days of some troubling events that directly affect our nation.
On Friday June 1st at 10:13 A.M. EDT & 10: 28 A.M. EDT these two aspects complete is rapid succession. They are both very positive and enjoyable, and this should be a day or so of good interaction between people and some intense communications. Try to engage in any activities that are educational as well as pleasurable. If you use these transits properly you will have some fun and emit a positive vibe. But you can also experience a deeper level of your relationships and may be able to express feelings that you normally might find difficult to say. Any form of entertainment or art will be rewarding, including a concert, movie, theatre or museum, so try to find time to participate in a creative venture.
On Tuesday June 5th at 10:02 P.M. EDT this common aspect completes. We experience this conjunct several times a year, and each time it is a day of some willfulness and a lot of communication. This is a good day for saying what’s on your mind and for focusing on what’s most important. Because it occurs now in the sign of Gemini it will be even more chatty than usual. It may be difficult at times to contain your thoughts, and there will be a tendency to ramble on. But if you stay focused and aim your attention where you need it to be, you can get a lot said in an open and direct manner. Because this is closely followed by Venus opposite Pluto some relationship issues will be brought to the surface. That opposition will dig deeply into the subject, and make this energy more intense and not superficial. Allow for the truth to be revealed and don’t be afraid of what comes out. It’s necessary and will help clear the air.
Also, on Tuesday June 5th at 10:23 P.M. EDT this intense and revealing opposition will bring up a lot of things that may have been kept under cover for some time. This aspect will not allow you to circumvent any important issues or glide over them in a superficial way. It will demand that you pay attention to what’s being said and respond in an appropriate manner. Because the Sun is conjunct Mercury now as well we will all be talking in an open and direct way. Don’t be afraid of what may come to the surface now. Hear it and embrace the potential it is offering. The worst thing you can do under any Pluto aspect is to hide or pretend that nothing is being revealed.
On Wednesday June 6th at 10:08 A.M. EDT this confusing transit will make communications cloudy and difficult to comprehend. Any chance of a misunderstanding will probably occur. The best way to handle this is to bring things out into the light and remove the fog that Neptune is so fond of. If you find that something just can’t be clarified, just leave it alone until later after this energy has dissipated. Travel can be very difficult, and it’s easy to get lost or misunderstand directions. Even your GPS may act up, so be careful. This is not a good day to sign important papers, have any medical test or make permanent decisions that will have a long term affect. You aren’t seeing things clearly and you won’t even realize the mistakes you’re making until long after this has passed. This is followed tomorrow by the Sun square Neptune, which will add strength and time to the underlying confusion and misdirection this may cause, so be careful.
On Thursday June 7th at 1:59 A.M. EDT this square will closely follow the Mercury square Neptune mentioned above. This is a few days when clarity will be in short supply. Mistakes and misdirection will be common, and it’s very possible that someone may not be telling you the whole truth, so try to ferret out all the facts. This is often a very bad day in the stock markets. The equities hate confusion. This is also a low energy day when many of us will feel less oomph than usual. This will be particularly true if this square sets off your personal chart. Try to conserve your energy and first get done those things that are most important.
On Tuesday June 12th at 4:00 P.M. EDT until June 29th at 1:17 A.M. EDT we will all be communicating from a more emotional place. This is a time to express your feelings and to try to reach others through their passions and sentiments more than solely through the intellect. Issues regarding family and the home will be in the forefront for the next few weeks and you may wish to spend time with your closest people. This can be a creative transit for those active in the arts. You will be more in touch with your inner self and may be able to express that more readily.
On Wednesday June 13th at 7:40 A.M. EDT our thoughts and ideas will be moving rapidly. This can be a moment of inspiration and enlightenment. It only lasts a few hours so don’t expect to discover time travel or a cure for cancer. But it is a good moment to review your plans and projects and see if they are working to your advantage. If you need to make changes, this is a good aspect under which to do so. You’ll be less stubborn and more open to any new ideas that come along. Communication will be active and you may learn something that is very beneficial to you, so keep an open mind. This falls on the Dark of the Moon, a time of endings and of letting go of things that are no longer valid. If you’re willing to look at your life in an honest way you may discover that there are ideas, projects and relationships that are no longer fulfilling the need they once did.
The next New Moon falls on Wednesday June 13th at 3:43 P.M. EDT at 22 degrees Gemini 44 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
May 15th 4:30 P.M. – 4:43 P.M.
May 17th 2:18 P.M. – 5:47 P.M.
May 19th 5:14 P.M. – 7:11 P.M.
May 20th 11:30 P.M. – May 21st 10:03 P.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours
May 23rd 10:55 A.M. – May 24th 2:52 A.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
May 25th 5:03 P.M. – May 26th 9:39 A.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
May 28th 1:25 P.M. – 6:29 P.M.
May 30th 2:26 A.M. – May 31st 5:26 A.M. ***Moon is void 21 hours
June 1st 11:37 P.M. – June 2nd 6:06 P.M.
June 4th 1:10 A.M. – June 5th 6:52 A.M. ***Moon is void 17 hours
June 7th 2:35 A.M. – 5:26 P.M. *** Moon is void 15 hours
June 9th 3:37 P.M. – June 10th 12:04 A.M. *** Moon is void 8 hours
June 11th 11:29 P.M. – June 12th 2:53 A.M.
June 13th 3:43 P.M. – June 14th 3:20 A.M. *** Moon is void 12 hours
June 15th 12:18 P.M. – June 16th 3:21 A.M. *** Moon is void 15 hours
June 17th 11:25 P.M. – June 18th 4:40 A.M.
May 2018
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